Hundreds of White Nationalists March in Uniform Through Washington DC to Capitol
In a totally unannounced march, hundreds of people from the white nationalist group “Patriot Front” marched in full fascist regalia through Washington DC to the Capitol building, wearing matching uniforms, masks, and carrying shields - and claiming to represent the interests of “America’s true people.”
Now, I have to admit, when I first saw all these folks in their matching outfits, I just assumed perhaps some cable company’s installers were out on strike. Anyway, as they say, “clothes make the man,” and you can just bet these “patriots” moms all think these lads look simply “adorable” in their glorified Boy Scout uniforms. Sadly - apparently, no one bothered to tell any of them that Halloween was over more than six weeks ago.
So, they’re marching to protect the interests of "America’s true people” are they? Why, who knew these folks held such deep concerns for the general welfare of Native Americans? That said, isn’t it rather interesting how none of these “masks-are-tyranny” types are protesting being forced to wear masks in order to march in this parade? Why, if one didn’t know better, one might think these “true Americans” are trying to hide their identities.
Anyway, perhaps one of the scariest things about this march is that it was completely “unannounced,” and these folks just kind of slid into town like a nasty fungus on a gym floor, all loaded into the trailer compartments of a caravan of box trucks. Frankly, this kind of makes me yearn for the “good old days,” when brave folks like Paul Revere rode through the community to warn citizens - “The Rednecks are coming! The Rednecks are coming!”
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They are organizing…police can’t (or won’t) handle this, and military won’t step in…
I fear we are going to have some major problems with these morons. They seem to want to see blood in the streets, and many cops are compromised because they agree with these Lunatics!
I totally agree you guys. And remember, these folks are just in the formative stages of their movement.
@redheadedgammy there will be blood in the streets.... Theirs
@johnnyrobish I don’t know what the answer is to combat this idiocy that is going on in our country, but I do know we all need to somehow find solutions to all of this anger and hatred that is metastasizing before a lot of people end up dead. I truly blame most of the Vitriol that is happening to right wing media and websites that stir the pot.
@Redheadedgammy Well, the Biden admin needs to crack down on the anti-democracy activities and hate crimes.
We need to be respectful, people have a right to protest, but they don’t have a right to violence.
@Canndue I’m just hoping something is being done behind the scenes to negate all this violent crap going on with these idiots.
@Redheadedgammy Honestly, I feel it is being used politically by both sides. The radicals are maybe .5% of the population, but they get 95% of the publicity.
This is the first I even heard about this, got a link?
Yes, here you go:
@johnnyrobish thanks!
I read it took them a few hours to leave once they got back to their Uhauls. I don't know what happened, but 5hey had to be ferried, group by group, while most stood out in the cold.
At least now, the FBI can look them up online.
Looks like they got the same dress code as the rightwingers here in the North West!
family members
Target practice..... We used to shoot nazis
March of the virgins
Who would seriously get near them? Lots of money would have to change hands.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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