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Following yet another school mass murder event in America, should the US government add another amendment to their Constitution?
Citizens have the right not to be shot by unauthorised people.

Sofabeast 7 Dec 6
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We're going to need guns to take down the fascists... (all too soon).

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 6, 2021

Like I have said many time, everyone should have access to a minigun and a million rounds of ammo. As everyone has to have one the government will give these out to all. Hand grenades, we all should have to carry these, one never knows.But if everyone had a grenade then they would be dangerous and one could say they were protecting themselves. Will everyone be happy when anyone can shoot anyone at any time. Shopping at WalMart will have a totally different meaning.

I visited Walmart in VA back in 1997. I purchased 1lb of gunpowder and was offered shotguns and rifles of .22 calibre, but was informed I would have to wait two weeks for larger rifles and handguns and a place of residence in the State plus a look at my British passport.
The gunpowder I purchased alongside a multi-pack of Mars bars.
In the UK I had to have a special licence to hold gunpowder and another for muskets & shotguns.


That might do it, so long as you phrase it loosely enough for anyone to interpret it any way they want, like most of the other amendments.


How do you get to be authorized to shoot a person, is it like the lottery for deer tags?

SnowyOwl Level 8 Dec 6, 2021

Well it should be simple enough, an authorised government employee such as a police officer or soldier who is acting within defined boundaries and parameters designed to save lives.
However, the US being the US this would probably result in a local government employed janitor murdering 50 black children in order to ensure they don't grow up to be black people who would probably one day kill someone else because that is what "they" do and being acquitted on grounds of self defence



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 6, 2021
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