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Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes on Alex Jones to Complain ‘People Think I’m Crazy’

Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) appeared on Alex Jones's InfoWars program to complain that “people treat her like she’s a “crazy person,” and “it just bothers me so much.” She said it’s as if she has "three horns" coming out of her head. Greene then told Jones that it’s not her, but actually “everyone else who is crazy.”

Now, wait a minute! Did I just see a crazy person, go on another crazy person's show, to complain about being called “a crazy person?” Good grief, I can’t even do the math. That said, I do get what she’s doing. I mean, who the hell wouldn’t wanna go on Alex Jones's show if you needed to prove your sanity? As for people thinking she has "three horns" coming out of her head - well, we can only wish that was all that ever comes out of that head of hers.

That said, as one might have guessed, Alex Jones came right to her rescue, just like clockwork - reassuring Greene that it’s all completely ridiculous, and that she’s every bit as sane as he is. Oh, well that’s certainly comforting to know. Anyway, speaking of “crazy,” where the hell is Mike Lindell when you really need him? After all, he’s been the gold standard for “crazy” for quite some time now.

Of course, the truth is, Greene really does act like a crazy person, so it shouldn’t come as a big surprise to her when people think “she’s crazy.” Maybe not quite “Alex Jones crazy,” but still - crazy all the same. Fact is, her thinking is so far out there, that even vampire bats are calling her “Trumpshit crazy.” That said, probably the best proof to confirm you’re crazy, is when you think everyone else is crazy but you, or when the only people who don’t think you’re crazy -are themselves insane.

Still have doubts? Well, the thing is - most people can’t just self-diagnose themselves as “crazy.” That's why we invented doctors. See, it all basically comes down to this - “if the straitjacket fits…,” well, you know the rest. Of course, if Rep. Greene was really serious about not wanting to be treated like a “crazy person,” she might consider trying not acting like one - but we all know that’s not likely to happen any time soon, don’t we?

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 21
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She's right, it's not her, it's those that voted for her..😬😬🤪

Charlene Level 9 Feb 21, 2022

Greene and Jones are both crazy. I simply do not understand why the lies make money and why they would want to make money this way. I watched Jones in an interview once and it starts off well until you see the lies creeping in. The interviewer is also a part of the lies. It's so absurd.

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 21, 2022

Could be a ignorant horse faced cow

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 21, 2022

I can’t believe a crazy like her is in Congress and has a forum for her crazy rants.


I don't "think" she's crazy. Enough said.


She thinks she's a person!

August1 Level 6 Feb 21, 2022
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