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The Biggest Business in America? Defrauding Uncle Sam and You.

In terms of sheer stolen dollars, the total amount is greater than the annual sales of Amazon and Walmart over the past two years.


{The mass media was also largely inattentive, spending far more time on the friction between politicians in Congress than the burning of taxpayer dollars. The Inspectors General attached to each federal agency were timid, under-budgeted and had weak authority. Moreover, several Inspectors General positions were vacant.}

For those who haven't figured this out yet, with the indications there are many of. One of the primary objectives of the MSCM is to distract us from the most relevant crimes committed on our societies. That friction is purposely managed to keep the citizens as equally divided as the facade projects. And it works rather well for them all. All? The MSCM is after all owned by the very people who managed to get their share of that money. They, along with all the other corporations, depend on the advertisements on their programs in a collaborate means to support each other. As one, or a politician of favor, may get caught up in a scandal or crime, it is often covered in the most subtle means, usually to combat against a leak that wasn't meant for public knowledge. MSCM is also the agency of damage control.

For a clear example I'll use the Ukraine issue. Biden who committed a more serious crime in regards to using funding as a weapon to get a prosecutor fired before releasing that funding, was sheltered by the MSCM by not covering that story with integrity. There's a video of him admitting to doing so. I've posted it here a number of times. Yet many come here to still support him and the facade they project in favor of the fascist government Biden played a role in of installing it. Trump was impeached of a lesser means in that regard, which within those standards Biden should have been exposed and disqualified to run for president. They also disingenuously covered Biden's son, Hunter, placement on an energy company in Ukraine with no experience yet making out with a reported 3 million dollars. Another incident with China was mixed in that exposed story. A period of time after Hunter's laptop with evidence on it was also disingenuously covered after a repair shop brought notice of it.

This goes on with many, any, issue imaginable. Taxes, environment issues, bailouts, off shore accounts, physical injuries, everything related to healthcare, race issues, employment issues, colonialism, innocent civilian deaths, illegal regime changes, etc. Many of these are a collaborate scheme between both corporations and one or more politicians or an entire administration, local, state, and national. The 6 major MSCMs owed by billionaires are paid to minimize the damage for the favored corporations and the politicians they own. Along with that comes distraction of the citizenry, to keep those of us in a state of delusional belief of being unaffected from wondering up to and pulling back the curtain to see for ourselves. As long as they can keep a majority of the citizens trapped on one side of the curtain within this tribal division fighting each other they keep winning. Each side is as manipulated as the other, unable to realize that they share essentially the same social and political ideology when all the facades are pealed back exposing all the facts. Some so far into the facade that when facts are provided they have been managed to a point to disregard them even if you can get them to observe them. Reality is lost, it becomes a betrayal to them.

{Finally, The Washington Post and The New York Times have started to investigate. The findings of their lengthy features are predictably staggering, especially regarding the Small Business Administration (SBA) which dispatched $343 billion in PPP loans over a 14 day period!

As recounted in the NY Times article by David Farenthold, a free for all robbery spree took hold. The SBA made classic, foreseeable blunders. First, it subcontracted out, without due diligence, to so-called nonprofits, the job of distributing and monitoring the expenditures, giving them 15 percent of the overall disbursements to, for example, children feeding programs. The blunder not only is an inappropriate delegation of governmental powers, but it also creates a perverse incentive for the overseer to shovel out money to subcontractors.}

For christ sakes. I was reporting this shit from Sludge almost 2 years ago from the very beginning as they were exposing it. Along with how politicians were funneling funds to their spouses companies. While some of these spouses companies were working from within that politicians own campaign endeavors. You might remember this is where main street businesses were virtually pushed aside from getting their fair share of the funding as these companies and corporations raided and pillaged the process faster than lighting leaving nothing behind for the lengthy process on main street. Also in this regards of the funding, many people who were to be able to get housing help would never get it due to the structured process. Many didn't manage to get it due to lengthy court proceedings they didn't understand, resulting in illegal convictions it was meant to avoid, time limits passing as a ending result. Virtually the same results our governments always provide. The handing off of funds to their owners while fucking those the money comes off the backs of.

William_Mary 8 Mar 19
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I vote Democrat. But what many Democratic voters fail to realize is that this party is just as imperialist as the Republican party. Biden and Clinton voted for the Iraq war.

Because Republicans are so distasteful, some democrats tend to make heroes out of Democratic leaders who really don't deserve that.

Tribalism also causes democrats to support corrupt Democratic leaders. The argument that the Republicans are worse is truthful, but is no excuse for this blind, tribal defensiveness.

Krish55 Level 8 Mar 19, 2022

By that standard you also give reason for republican supporters to use the same argument. I'll argue you're essentially supporting the same failed cycle of a collaborate agenda I outlined above. You're basically manipulated into the facade of a manufactured reality for one side (democrat side) in the same manor that the other side is based on its own manufactured reality (republican side). Both sides who share basically the same political and social ideology are restricted within this cycle from the entire scope of facts being withheld from them feeds this social travesty.

I personally witness this as I advocated for Sanders in 2016 as I engaged with many registered republican and independent voters who were voicing their support for Sanders. Many seeking advice on how to change party affiliation to vote for him. The ideology Sanders was voicing was a coherent and acceptable structure they all were willing to vote for. I had republicans voicing that they no longer viewed what that party was doing as representing them from all age ranges and backgrounds. Independents who can't vote in a primary in their state without then having to change their affiliation to democrat. Sanders was in the process of bringing us together as his rallies highly showed. I stand on that as a sign my comments above are another example I have a strong foundation. Along with the many journalist and political commentators I share with the same ideology of MSCM agendas.

Forget about that party or the other. Concentrate on the ideology of all aspects of the political spectrum and ask ourselves if we are being genuinely represented. Most critical thinking people realize we are not. So the obvious conclusion should be that neither party is going to ever represent us. They both primarily represent the ruling class and their geopolitical agendas. And they do that from behind a facade that their owned media is purposely dictated to do from the public relation firms, think tanks, and NGO's those ruling class pay to manufacture the fake news they deliver to us. Voting for either party is a continuation of the same failed system. Sanders betrayal of his supporters cemented that in the very long history of evidence that this is a futile system to keep supporting.

Democracy and freedom is a manufactured illusion ruled by the international ruling class with their investment firms running the world. To believe we are an American country is a delusional reality.

@William_Mary Can't disagree with anything you said there! The supposedly democratic system is structured so as to prohibit meaningful change.


The entire political spectrum has shifted so far to the right that when you read the linked document it sounds like it's coming from left of contemporary Ds. Welcome to neoliberalism where Wall St wags the dog.

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