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Airline Staff Calls Law Enforcement on a Testy Ted Cruz at a Montana Airport

It’s being reported that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx) became so upset, out-of-control, and abusive to airline staff recently at the airport in Bozeman, Montana, that law enforcement had to be called in to help resolve the issue. Bozeman airport is where Republicans frequently fly in and out for conservative fundraisers at venues like the Yellowstone Club and Big Sky. It's also possible flights were full because its nearing the weekend for Spring Break, or bad weather prevented some flights from departing the city.

Geez, is it just me, or does it seem like every time Ted Cruz tries to fly, it ends up turning into a scene from the movie “Airplane?” Ironically, Cruz recently put out a video, where he claimed pilots and airline personnel are always coming up and hugging him whenever he flies due to his opposition to vaccine and mask mandates. I'm guessing there weren’t any hugs from pilots or airline staffers that day. Ah, maybe they were just all arguing over who’d get to be first to thank him for fighting for their freedom?

Oh well, no big deal! Ted can always just blame everything on his daughters again. That said, it hasn’t been fully disclosed exactly what this argument was about, or even why Sen. Cruz was in Montana in the first place. My guess is Ted went up there so he can keep close tabs on America’s border crisis with Mexico. Either that, or maybe Ted was trying to fly down to his favorite sunny Cancun getaway, accidentally boarded the wrong plane, and ended up in friggin’ freezing cold Montana. Whatever it was, I’m pretty sure Bozeman, Montana doesn’t have direct flights to Cancun.

Now, I’m not one to tell other people how to do their jobs, but if airline staffers really wanted to defuse this issue quickly, all they needed to do was to simply tell Ted’s his wife is “ugly,” and then accuse his father of killing Kennedy - just like Trump did. Hell, that seems to not only calm him right down, but also make him wanna be your friend and say nice things about you. Anyway, what I don’t get is, if he couldn’t get a flight out, why the hell didn’t he just hitch a ride with one of his “freedom convey” trucker pals? Problem solved!

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johnnyrobish 8 Mar 21
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Just watched Ted, the pile of shit Senator from Texass, further make an ass of himself at the Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Brown Jackson. He’s a worthless human being.

I saw that also. Geez, it was difficult to watch.


Ball less wonder

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 21, 2022

On point, by which mean the top of Cruz' head.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 21, 2022

No fly list his ass.


Another great one!

Krish55 Level 8 Mar 21, 2022
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