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Sarah Palin Teases Run for Congress to Fill Don Young’s Seat

When asked by Newsmax host Eric Bolling, Sarah Palin said on Monday she would be "honored" to take over the late Alaska Republican Don Young’s seat in Congress. Rep. Young only died just a few days ago, but Palin indicated that she’s ready and willing to head to Washington to fill Rep. Young’s “big shoes.”

Now, wait a minute! Sarah Palin in Congress? We can’t afford to send Sarah Palin to Washington. What about our national security? Why, we’re right in the middle of a stand-off with the Russians, and Sarah happens to be the only person in America who can actually see what’s going on in Russia, and right from her front porch. Just think about it, can we as a nation, actually afford to lose that kind of “intel” at this critical moment? I think not!

Of course, one solution might be in Sarah’s absence, get her son Track Palin to sit on her porch, drink beer and keep an eye on those Ruskies for us. That is assuming it wouldn’t interfere with any of those parole restrictions he has for domestic battery. But come on, could America survive having Palin, Boebert, and MTG, all in the same Congress? Someone, please make it stop! Frankly, about the only benefit I can think of if Palin runs, would be Tina Fey just might resurrect her Sarah Palin impersonations again.

That said, many folks are now expressing concern that Palin just doesn’t process the proper temperament or the intellectual capacity to serve in Congress. Perhaps, but the way I look at it - compared to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, Palin comes off like a genius. And by the way, where’s Michelle Bachmann when you really need her? Anyway, as mentioned before, we already know Palin can see Russia from her porch, but the question I’d like to ask is - can she also see my middle finger from her porch?

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johnnyrobish 8 Mar 22
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We already filled our quota for dumbfucks

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 22, 2022

Yep. She probably hasn't actually lived in Alaska for a decade.


Why did God condemn the United $tates of Absurdity to have so many damnable idiots in its midst?

anglophone Level 9 Mar 22, 2022

She’s no dumber than most of her republican male colleagues in Congress so it could happen. But Alaska has a woman shortage so maybe not…

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