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Trump Believed China was Secretly Creating Hurricanes to Hit the US

Rolling Stone reports that a former Trump official told them the former president actually believed the Chinese government had weather control technology and was using it to create tropical storms and hurricanes to strike the United States. The official said the first time he heard the president propose the theory, he thought it was “almost too stupid for words,” but the president continued asking about it so much, that administration officials soon began referring to it as the “Hurricane Gun Theory.”

So, a former Trump official thought the “Hurricane Gun Theory” was “almost” too stupid for words? Sorry, but the correct answer is - “it WAS too stupid for words.” Hell, everyone knows most of the hurricanes that hit the US, originate on the Atlantic side - just off Africa. That would mean it’s likely France who is sending them over. Why do you think so many hurricanes aim directly toward New Orleans and the French Quarter?

Frankly, I don’t really understand the president’s concern about this matter anyway. I mean, as long as he has his trusted “Weather Sharpie” close at hand, Trump can simply sketch all the hurricanes away - as he did with Hurricane Dorian. Besides, the real issue isn’t that China is sending us hurricanes, it’s that they’re not sending us their “best hurricanes.” They’re sending cheaply made, Chinese knock-offs.

I mean, I’d hate to think we survived things like “Windmill Cancer” and Jewish space laser attacks, only to succumb to Chinese-made hurricanes. Now, my question is, would "hurricane guns" be protected under the 2nd Amendment, and shouldn’t they be called “Typhoon Guns” over in the Pacific? Additionally, I’d like to ask the NRA “exactly what happens when a bad guy with a hurricane gun, runs into a good guy with a hurricane gun?” Would we end up with a “Stormy Daniels?”

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johnnyrobish 8 May 11
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