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White Supremacy (A Rebuttal) | Christopher Titus | Zero Side Effects

phxbillcee 10 May 23
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Here's the problem with the "New History" being taught to students. Christopher Titus's historical references are complete nonsense. Here are some examples:

1:35 Katherine Johnson never studied Quantum Physics. She was a mathematician who applied her mathematics to aerodynamics and orbital mechanics. Those are totally different field than quantum physics.

1:45 "Katherine Johnson was who figured out the math to get men to the moon and back. There was 1000 white dudes at NASA couldn't figure it out" Katherine Johnson was part of a team that calculated the trajectory to the moon and back. The USA would have gone to the moon and back with or without Katherine Johnson.

1:49 "I wrote this on a napkin, is this going to work for everybody". She was part of a team that programmed the computers to get the Apollo missions to the moon and back. No hand calcuations were used for the Apollo mission.


2:07 "Maybe you should have finished college like Philip Emeagwali" Philip Emeagwali did not finish college. He never made it past the PhD qualifying exam.

2:07 "Philip Emeagwali invented the world's fastest supercomputer" This is a completely false claim. Philip Emeagwali was not on any team that ever invented a supercomputer:

Philip Emeagwali is probably one of the biggest academic frauds in history, and he's being celebrated by Christopher Titus.

If they really wanted a legitimate non-white man to credit with supercomputer inventions, they would give credit to Steve Chen:


The most ridiculous one is Shirley Ann Jackson who they credit for the following inventions:

Dr. Jackson conducted breakthrough basic scientific research that enabled others to invent the portable fax, touch tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, and the technology behind caller ID and call waiting.


If you look at Shirley Ann Jackson's wikipedia page:


it says:

Although some sources claim that Jackson conducted scientific research while working at Bell Laboratories that enabled others to invent the portable fax, touch-tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, and the technology behind caller ID and call waiting,[9][10][11] Jackson herself makes no such claim.[12] Moreover, these telecommunications advancements significantly predated her arrival at Bell Labs in 1976, with these six specifically enumerated inventions actually occurring by others in the time frame between 1954 and 1970

Shirley Ann Jackson had a successful career as a scientist, a government administrator and a university administrator. There is no reason to make up lies about her. She's basically saying "Stop making up these lies about me!" on her wikipedia page.

BD66 Level 8 May 23, 2022

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