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LINK In Indiana: Following City of Lafayette, Tippecanoe County declares racism a public health crisis

Well, at least there's this.

If I'm going to have to live here, at least I picked a place with a smidgen of social awareness. πŸ‘


SeaGreenEyez 9 June 21
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I’m rather shocked by this! Isn’t Indiana where the KKK came into being? Maybe there is hope for the state! Both my sons were born in Indiana, one in Crown Point, the other in Merriville. My first husband was also from there, born and raised in Crown Point.

@SeaGreenEyez I guess they believe they can have a resurgence since about 1/3 of the Country is embracing its inner racism. πŸ˜•


Meanwhile, in Louisiana, one of our senators says that our maternal mortality rate isn't that bad if you correct the population for race. And he's an M.D.


What a horrible thing to say! And he’s a fricking doctor!!!

@Redheadedgammy yep.... that's the representation we have here. It's disgusting

@JonnaBononna My heart goes out to you. I am experiencing the same thing with the representative for this area where I am now living.

He is truly a piece of shit. He was a former sheriff in Firt Bend county and started talking up Trump and of course that was a shoe in for him. He was under investigation by the county that he served for a lot of different illegal stuff, but of course down here the good old boys protect each other and he was never convicted. Now he’s a fucking representative!

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