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Ohio Lawmaker Believes Holocaust Should Also Be Taught From Germany’s Perspective

Homeschooled MAGA Ohio State Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur (R-99th Dist), defended controversial legislation she co-sponsored while on a local news station, by pointing out she believes "divisive concepts" should be taught from “multiple points of view.” She further explained that history could be taught from the perspective of someone in Poland who was “displaced” or “incorporated” into the war, or perhaps from the perspective of a Jewish person that has gone through the tragedies that took place, or maybe you'll listen to it from the perspective of a German soldier.

Oh, I get it! We need to start teaching "divisive concepts” such as fascism from “multiple points of view.” Well then, even though she and most of her base are primarily hard-core Bible thumpers, given her philosophy that “all points of view” should be taught - I’m sure all the Satanists in her district will be absolutely thrilled to learn that she’d be open to teaching local school children about Christianity “from Lucifer’s point of view.”

That said, when she suggests we need to also view the Holocaust from Germany’s perspective, it has me wondering - exactly what does Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur imagine that perspective ought to be? Somehow, the Jews had it coming? Now, correct me if I’m wrong on this, but as far as I can tell, I think Hitler made the “Nazi perspective” pretty clear. I don’t think there was much confusion about their opinions on most issues.

The fact is, there’s really nothing new about any of this. For example, their attacks on the teaching of a basically non-existent “Critical Race Theory” in public schools, is essentially nothing more than a hidden attempt to “view slavery in the US from the perspective of a slaveholder.” The fact is, with this “all points of view” stance, Republicans have actually moved way beyond any “Critical Race Theory,” and are now offering their very own “Critical Reich Theory.”

Frankly, it must be quite confusing for them at times. Let’s take, for example, the late entertainer Sammy Davis Jr., who was both Jewish and black. It’s gotta be awfully difficult for people like her to figure out whether she’s supposed to hate Sammy for being Jewish, or for being black. Now, if we revisit views on the Holocaust, shouldn’t we also consider OJ Simpson's take on the Nicole Brown Simpson/Ron Goldman killings, or Charlie Manson's side of the Tate/LaBianca murders? Frankly, the possibilities seem endless - especially, if you’ve been homeschooled like Sarah Fowler Arthur.

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johnnyrobish 8 July 10
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The motto of OHIO legislated before this cretin was born : " WITH gawd ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE " gubnor Kacich demolished the Veterans Hospital built a new clinic & parking garage and bills taxpayers for veterans needing hoslitalization in cATHOLIC hOSPITALs of Columbus OHIO the state rivals Texas as a theocracy


They are growing them dumber and dumber as the decades go on. Dog help us all! 😉


"The German perspective," huh. How about teaching it as the Germans, themselves, do it: it is a stain on their society that they try to keep from having again - Nazi symbols are outlawed, etc; taught in schools; most German students, at some point, are REQUIRED to visit a concentration camp where Jews, and some others, were slaughtered.

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