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LINK Pete Buttigieg utterly destroys Fox News host for whining about Kavanaugh protests

WOW! He almost sounds like a Progressive afterall.

Glad to see someone in this Administration speak some truth to FoxNews. ๐Ÿ‘

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 10
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Mayor Pete is a CIA thug for life since Harvard facebook days

Harvard Facebook days? Can you tell us more about that pleaseโ€ฆ


Fucks News gets the treatment that it so richly deserves.

anglophone Level 9 July 10, 2022

Hope runs for President again!

He is a queer clone of murderer Mark Zuckerberg .... if you love genocide in Calcutta you will love Mayor Pete in WhiteHouse

@GreenAtheist Sometimes you are just so ridiculous. You really donโ€™t even deserve a response.

@Redheadedgammy Fyi, @GreenAtheist has blocked me without any apparent reason.

@Redheadedgammy facts cannot be disproven by demonRATs blind to government criminals

@SeaGreenEyez DesMoines Iowa has 4th generation Klansmen on the Police Force 1923 Mayor and Police Chief both marched in a KKK parade downtown DesMoines... James Harkin murdered John Monroe Branch 1983 seated in a Volkswagon Rabbit Police Car parked on the wrong side of the road and put 5 bullets into the shirtless shoeless body of a tall black man in his own rain soaked lawn....many rioters for George Floyd 2020 in DesMoines carried photos of John Branch ...I attended the civil lawsuit trial against the City 1986 "failure to train officer Harkin" obviously juries do not want to raise their taxes to pay the family of a murdered black man

@anglophone I just blocked him again for a few months. He gets way to radical sometimes, and I need a break from him for a while. ๐Ÿ˜‰

His only qualification for being a presidential candidate was his resume of killing Brown people in Afghanistan...

@Krish55 ๐Ÿ™„

That should be directed at the opportunistic war criminal you admire. I imagine you would feel differently if he had been killing white Ukranians to embellish his resume?

Why is military service directed against the darker nations a valued resume-builder for would-be American politicians?

Are those nations merely a dehumanized backdrop of inferior peoples where ambitious young white Americans go to demonstrate bravery, competence, and the willingness to kill foreigners in their own land?


@Krish55 youโ€™ve made your point. I have nothing else to say to you. Time to drop it.

@Redheadedgammy I didnโ€™t make an additional point. So thereโ€™s no need to be condescending to tell me to drop some thing that about which I havenโ€™t carried on again.

@Krish55 You made your point by responding to my eye roll in the first place. Like a lot of men in your age group you think you always have to have the fucking last word well you donโ€™t this time. You will be blocked.

@Redheadedgammy Nothing to do with maleness. Your White Privilege doesn't care about Brown people in Afghanistan nor Black people in the US whom your murderous white darling was responsible for killing. Pulling the female card to defend your racism doesn't work...


Poor liddle boofer๐Ÿคก


good for Pete.

glennlab Level 10 July 10, 2022
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