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As some of you know President Biden has capitulated to the Radical Kkkristian Right by tossing Transkids under the bus of Moral Outrage. He now Supports schools banning them from competing in sports..something he Promised not to do as a candidate. Apparently he's trying to garner votes from people That will Never vote for him..
So why is it that MSNBC is totally ignoring this issue..and I mean not a peep, nor squeek, or phrase, not even a blurb..has Joe become as Sacrosanct as Drump is to Rethuglicans?
Also Jen Psaki sucks at interviewing people, ugh.

Charlene 9 Apr 9
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Charlene, read/reread, what @LenH posted just below. i think you have gotten it backwards.


NOT what it says here, quite the opposite infact, Biden has prohibited schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes from teams that are consistent with their gender identities

Check it out

Any "exceptions" is unacceptable...especially if solely based on the "physicality".. transwomen lose muscle mass quickly during hormone treatments..and by NCAA rules trans athletes must have been on treatments for at least a year.. to try to spun this any other way is to accept the Rights claims as legit. Imo no child in K through 4th grades shouldn't be involved in organized school sports..


Sad but not surprising, he's been pretty clear that compromise, including moral compromise, was how he got to be prez.

Buttercup Level 8 Apr 9, 2023

Moral Compromising on the backs of children isn't acceptable, kinda like the touted Gun Reform bill that did nothing but give him, and other Moderate Dems, cover.

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