6 1

Support communism

Now accepting donations to support communism (ill use the money for me) prove your loyalty comrade, give me your money and show your selflessness and kindness. If you don't give away what is yours, you are betraying the movement. There can be no private ownership, so give me everything you have. I see you got a farm there and you claim to support communism, give me your fucking farm, or shut the fuck up. Your actions don't line up with your beliefs. You hypocrite

Communistbitch 6 Nov 16
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I have been multi married in my lifetime and I have also been poor. Divorced from my Kenyan wife now for a few years, my kid's mother told me next time do not marry. Just pick a woman and buy her a house. 🙂

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 16, 2023

If you're buying people things, I'd like to get into that line of recipients please.

@Tejas I'm thinking he might expect a few things in careful what you wish for!

@annewimsey1 money is money


The bad news is, you have absolutely no idea what the communist philoophy actually was.
The good news is, you are emerging from Mommy's basement after 40 years, well done!.....
Now, name one government on earth that has practiced True communism, ever......I'll wait.........

I'll wait with you, Anne. Think we'll ever get a response?

No true Scotsman

If you want true communism, you must first be the change you want to see. Hand over all your private property to me, the state.


We are all communists sister. Thanks for sharing.

Polemicist Level 7 Nov 16, 2023

How do you know im.sister today? I may be brother today, its inappropriate for you to assume my sex. Some says I have a pussy, some days I have a dick. You shouldn't refer to me as sister, because you don't know.


Luckily your malefic mouth and aberrant arsehole are unequivocally displayed.

@Polemicist (May I add the childish attempt at intelligent discussion?)

@Polemicist your words are deemed offensive and inappropriate. To the gulags!


The ignorances of humanity are profoundly worrisome.


The children are playing online again.

pamagain Level 8 Nov 16, 2023

How old do you think this one is? 🤣

@Redheadedgammy Mmmm...maybe 5? Six?


fuck off you shit head

glennlab Level 10 Nov 16, 2023

Comrade that is abusive language.

Looks like you had to much to eat. We must confiscate this fat asses food and give it to people who actually need it.

@Communistbitch oooooo....someone's trolling with childish insults and pathetic attempts to gain attention.

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