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Interesting new study indicates that young children that would change gender have the same feelings 5 years later 94% of the time.

girlwithsmiles 8 Feb 8
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you believe the CBC.....

1patriot Level 8 Feb 8, 2024

No, I believe the CHILDREN.

There's no one who speaks of concern in regards to public news companies who have sold their soles to the information control apparatus more than I do. But there are short stints where they actually put out genuinely useful information. The trick is recognizing when they're being genuine or deceiving. Same with MSCMs and the many MSMs that fall in line with them. In which they always end up deceiving themselves. Yea, I know it's confusing. But then the confusion is purposeful for a reason.

The study was led by a Princeton University Psychologist, they even admit their research was limited, but it’s early days for the subject as it’s been taboo or dismissed as unimportant for so long.

@William_Mary Desistance studies in children with Gender Dysphoria
Eleven studies have been conducted looking at whether gender dysphoria persists throughout childhood. On average 80% of children change their minds and do not continue into adulthood as transgender. Some of these studies are very old, the first being published in 1968 and others in the 1980s. This was during a time when being transgender was not accepted as widely in society as it is now so it can be argued that this may have influenced many to change their minds.

A search of the literature (Korte, 2008) found:

Only 2.5% to 20% of all cases of GID in childhood and adolescence are the initial manifestation of irreversible transsexualism.

An analysis of 10 published studies can be seen here.



I think it's a shame how many people are so indoctrinated that they refuse to try to grasp the concept of gender fluidity. The number of times I hear, "They're just doing it to get attention" is a tell for how sad and repressed they are in their own lives, if not in gender then in other ways. Now if we can only stop the GOP oppression and move forward in helping these children be who they really are.

Lauren Level 8 Feb 8, 2024

Exactly. Same for sexuality. I have a good friend who knew when she was a small child that she was a lesbian- she said she'd play house with the other girls but she always wanted to be the husband because he got to kiss the wife!

@JonnaBononna The majority of my gay friends have said they knew by the age of five, and this is back in the day when there weren't any examples of it for them to emulate. How confusing it must have been to feel so out of place in the world.

@Lauren absolutely. My favorite uncle was gay and lived his entire life never telling a soul. We didn't know for sure until after his death, and it hurt to my soul to know that he had to hide who he was his entire life.

@JonnaBononna What a tragedy... I'm so sorry.

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