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Bob Woodward brought down the White House and Nixon with his writings in the Washington Post with Carl Bernstein. Think his nrw book "Fear" can do the same thing??

vnufall 7 Sep 5
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Not sure, but it could be one more nail in the coffin. And I can't wait for that.

BlackDove Level 7 Sep 8, 2018

Seems like Watergate all over again


Our best hope lies, not in this morally bankrupt Republican Congress, and not the the soon to be solidified conservative Supreme Court, ? but in reports like Woodward's helping to build public disgust to a point the electorate up-ends Congress.


It's a frightening confirmation of what many of us already knew. I can only hope it wakes up a few more of those who don't think he's a threat, and perhaps spurs a few more of us in the resistance to action.



Doubt it. It seems to take a lot more nowadays to shock people. Its as if we are suffering as a nation from outrage fatigue. We simply don't expect as much from our national leaders now. Back then conservatives were shocked when they heard Nixon say "hell" and "damn" on the tapes. Today many Trump supporters look upon him as a heathen who nevertheless is doing God's will. Consequently, they simply overlook his bad and bizarre behavior and "forgive" him as Jesus would do. If the "savior" overturns the money lenders' table in the temple, so what?

Its true Republicans can't shore up Trump's lack of morality. If you talk to any of them some at least are woefully unaware of the truth about what is going on in this White House..

The evangelical right are hypocrites. I was listening to Lyndsey Graham this morning laughing about the New York Times op ed article that came out yesterday. He said most of my constituents don't care about New York Times or Bob Woodward . The economy is doing well and there are jobs, end of story.

@vnufall Lindsey has sold his soul! Plenty of jobs, right, hold down 2 and you might make enough to support yourself! Economy is only doing well for the 'haves' but not for the 'have nots!


It won't bring him down but it might help push him over the edge. I plan on reading it when I can get a copy.

gearl Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

I ordered one from Amazon today ...


Not in this day and age and not with Republicans that think winning power is a holy war.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 5, 2018
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