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EDIT: I don’t know if it is coincidence or not, but I posted this letter on my Facebook wall and now my account is suspended.

Fuck the Democratic Party and fuck American politics. I got this response to a letter I wrote to the great Tammy Duckworth, war hero and progressive:

Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for contacting me to share your views on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. I appreciate you taking the time to make me aware of your concerns on this important matter.

Like you, I believe that the United States and Israel share an unbreakable bond based on common values and shared security and economic interests. Cooperation between our two countries has always been close and the United States plays a critical role in promoting a permanent peace settlement between the Israeli and Palestinian people. While our Nation must remain steadfast in defending Israel's right to exist and continuing to provide vital security assistance, we must always remember that the most effective way to guarantee the long-term security of the Israeli people is through a permanent two-state solution.

As you know, the BDS movement is a global campaign designed to exert pressure on Israel’s economy to isolate and delegitimize the State of Israel. As a supporter of the two-state solution who will never compromise on the state of Israel's right to exist, I strongly oppose the global BDS movement. The region needs a strong and secure Israel to live peacefully alongside a free and independent Palestine. Ultimately, the Israeli and Palestinian people share a responsibility to achieve peace and unfairly targeting or scapegoating Israel fails to advance these efforts.

Last year, Illinois became the first State to enact anti-BDS legislation. Various legislative proposals have been introduced this Congress addressing the BDS movement. The Combating BDS Act of 2017 was introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) on January 17, 2017. This bill would strengthen protections for State and local governments who choose not to invest in, or do business with, companies and organizations that participate in punitive BDS actions. The Israel Anti-Boycott Act was introduced by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) on March 23, 2017 and would prohibit boycotts imposed by international governmental organizations against Israel. Rest assured, I will keep your thoughts in mind if these bills come to the Senate floor for a vote.

As your Senator, I am committed to advancing policies that reinforce American and Israeli shared values and security interests. It is in our national interest to make sure Israel remains a strong, stable and secure democracy for years to come. This includes working with Israeli to confront relentless threats posed by our shared adversaries, such as Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and ISIL. It also requires that our Nation remain committed to helping the Israeli and Palestinian people negotiate a permanent two-state solution to end decades of conflict.

Thank you again for contacting me on this important issue. If you would like more information on my work in the Senate, please visit my website at You can access my voting record and see what I am doing to address today’s most important issues. I hope that you will continue to share your views and opinions with me and let me know whenever I may be of assistance to you.

And Bernie Sanders? My hero? Here’s his mealy-mouthed statement about BDS:

altschmerz 9 Jan 29
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I feel you Closeted! He was once my hero also. I spent late 2015 right up to the primary advocating for that con artist. Only for him to bern his own supporters and the movement we took to the top of the Hill. Then he stood on the Hill and pissed on all of us to put the fire out. Wake up people. The only way out of this now is the Green Party. Step out of the illusion and get them over the hump. If he had taken Stein up on the Green Party ticket, or she was President, this type of shit wouldn't be going on today!


You also have this latest US legislation reported in "Out Of The Illusion "


FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 29, 2019

Adolf was a Zionist!



there could be up to 39 states that makes government employees sign no boycott clause. 13 allready have it in effect. america the place were you can not talk smack about israel? that can't be right can it


You're better off not using fakebook. They use your personal info to make money off of you. I closed my account 3 years ago and haven't missed it at all. Fuckerberg can make his millions off of other people, not me! As to the BDS movement, I am 100% behind it. Politicians can't talk openly about supporting the movement because Israel has a strong lobby and destroys any who go against them. Fuck Bibi and his Israeli goons!

@Closeted I know a lot of people use it for keeping in touch with family. I never did because both my son's are repubs and I got sick of their posts full of lies and bullshit about trump. It was easier to just let it go and save my


Bernie is the least nasty bite of the shit sandwich that it US politics. Zionism is what grew the Nazi Party of Germany.


@Closeted Bernie, or Zionism? hahaha

@Closeted Zionism was fringe movement, in 1896

@Closeted this is real

@Closeted again real

@Closeted []

@Closeted I have been studding this stuff for years, A Jewish friend who as borne in Israel in 1953 turned me on to all this stuff. She was borne to 2 Romanian Jewish parents who where in camps and moved to Palestine soon after the war. Once the Israel state was created they decided to move to what was Rhodesia claiming that "there where to many Jews in Israel" but later told her that they wanted nothing to do with Zionism. She pointed me in the direction, and I just started looking into it.

@dan325 yeah that Wiki was a bad choice to post it's kind of the Russian point of view. I was more looking at this which is very well documented.

under the title The Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement

@dan325 Oh and you would be interested to learn American history from the perspective of the British

@dan325 First of all "Zionists" are not necessary exclusively "Jewish". Yes it was a Jewish movement in the beginning, Adolph, was Jewish by the terms of what the Jewish people believe (Mom is a Jew, you are a Jew) The Fundi movement has now taken on the cause and believe that once the Jewish people have all of Israel the second coming will happen. Most of the Jewish people in Israel are actually eastern European and that is where the Zion movement started. The Jews of Canaan, looked more like what the eastern Europeans call "Arabs" and are more closely related to the Palestinian people than the eastern Europeans there now. If you are about Race separation, Zionism is the movement for you, as well they love to call themselves "secular" which allows for all the Judaeo Christians to embrace the movement. Funny fact, Anyone who is anti-Zion gets called Anti-Semitic, Semite = includes Islamic Arabs.

Jesus was NOT Christian
Buddha was NOT Buddhist
Mohammad was NOT a Muslim

But you can't be a Zionist without being a raciest.

I hate all religion equally and cults like Zionism just that little bit extra. I hate the game not the player.

@dan325 Dude, are you Jewish? because what you believe is wrong but that is fine if you want to believe that. it dosen't take much time to find out that Israel says it secular, and that Hitler's mom was Jewish. You know he was rejected from a Jewish Art school too. But go with your gut that's fine. I'm done here but thanks it was fun.

@dan325 this is a real stamp buddy.

@dan325 You are a Zionist, that is cool and you may choose your facts as you see fit. I have been doing this a long time and I stand by what I have said here. Good day sir.

@dan325 Palestinian has existed for over 2000 years if you are going to toss that out there. Yes is was a territory and 3 country's all laid clam to the land at the start if the Israeli state. That by the way was created to pacify the Zionist underground organization the Irgun and stop the terror campaign of Menachem Begin.

The country was created using terrorism, and they have not stopped since. As well they are using the old testament A.K.A. "The Torah" as a historical document. You are in a site of Agnostics and Atheist trying to punt bull shit. Look up the King David hotel bombing buddy, never mind I did it for you. []

As well you are trying to get people to believe your interpretation of "Zionism" LOL! Zionism is what it is not what you think it is, and it has shown it's cards for all to see. Get your history right it's not about your gut. I really need to stop now LOL so take your last words and I will let it rest.



I'm a 100% with you!

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