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Bill Maher...on why Amy Klobuchar's tough approach might be just what the Democrat/progressives need...

Robecology 9 Feb 22
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As always, a well- reasoned viewpoint from Bill Maher.

I find Amy Klobuchar to be at least as strong a candidate as any in the Democratic primary field. She doesn't have an extensive resume of elected experience. But that should be overlooked based on how effective she's been in the offices she's been entrusted.

That said, the pickings are lush for those who have no tolerance for the current resident of the White House. Whoever emerges as the Democratic nominee absolutely must be supported. The stakes are too damned high to sit on the sidelines or to go off pouting because your favorite candidate didn't win.

No matter how you feel about The Resident, he plays to win and doubles down on attacking who he perceives to be losers (even if they are really winners). We must be united behind the nominee at all costs, even if those costs add up to our ideals.

The real question I have is - Is America ready for a woman leader? I think Trump's election was from a very white-male dominant electorate voice.


At some point, we have to be. privilege, taken for what it is, is becoming less and less a factor in this . Blacks and Hispanics are going to be majority constituencies within the next less. That's the trend and the numbers don't lie

My feeling on Hillary is that her negatives and her political worked against her in . This is why it is so confounding that she didn't receive a stiffer challenge within her own party and I often ask myself where were some of the candidates in when Hillary should have been challenged for an open seat? Page forward four and I'm not so sure the current Resident's act is going to play nearly as well with certain constituencies.

His tariffs are probably going to irreparably damage agribusiness and the automotive in this and those were two voting blocs that stood in his corner in . Considering how close the election was in certain states in the Great Lakes, that might be enough to bend the election in a different direction next time around.

The real question might be whether the Kool-aid of the current "administration" will be enough to satisfy an electorate still awaiting the promise of Make America Great Again?

@buckeyehoppy Here's a great cartoon that explains the "kool aide"...


I reserve judgment until I hear better clarity on just what toughness translates to in her case. Tough but fair is one thing, and that is good. Brow-beating as a standard "management tactic, no thank you. The POTUS isn't just running an administration; he or she is setting an example for the nation, and it had better be a civil one.

Plus, I am not opposed to a centrist per se. But I think the pulse of the times is split on centrist vs progressive, and I honestly worry that of the two, progressives stand to excite the country better. I am torn on this one. At the moment, I am most excited by Kamala Harris, followed by Cory Booker. Both seem to me like they are touting mixtures of centrist and progressive positions, and that might stand us a better chance of uniting not only Dems with independents, but also a fractured Dem party itself. This may be a time when the eventual POTUS nominee's pick of running mate is more importantant than ever. I also expect and virtually demand that a woman had better be on the ticket in one spot or the other. It is about fucking time.


Amy Klobuchar is a centerist which may be more acceptable to a wide audience. Of the initial group I am favoring Elizabeth Warren because of her consumer protection work.

ArthurK Level 6 Feb 22, 2019

Maybe but we don't need nasty either win at any cost not good

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 22, 2019

I agree; but nasty isn't implied, here. Being tough and firm is.

@Robecology Kennedy was both good example

@bobwjr ??


i love her, but i'm biased because i like in MN, but i keep here contradicting reports on whether she's a viable option. only time will tell

She's smart as a whip, and I believe would be a fantastic POTUS.


I don't always agree with Bill, but he certainly gets people talking. I never miss his show!

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