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As I was reading an article entitled “The Biology of Us and Them” by Robert Sapolsky, Stanford Professor of Biology and Neurology, in which he discusses how our brain reacts when to those like us and those who are different in some way. How, from a very early age, we embrace those who are like us and are distant and cautious of those who are not like us. And how this applies to joining groups that then are hostile to other groups. Being a fan of a soccer team and hostile to fans from other teams, Being a Christian hostile to Muslims. Us and Them and how the structure and function of our brains guide and react in this process.
It made me wonder about what impact religion and politics have on the Us and Them brain function and if there is a physical predisposition that guides us to our preferences.
Religion – Depending on the intensity of the religious belief and the way it is practiced studies have found that activity in the pre-frontal cortex, (involved in willful behavior), is decreased. Additionally when thinking about a savior and being with family for eternity and heavenly rewards raises the level of serotonin, “the happiness” neurotransmitter. And the euphoria-inducing molecules – endorphins.
Politics – An article by Nigel Barber, Ph.D. in Psychology Today discusses the “conservative brain”. The initial finding is that the amygdala, (the part of the brain which regulates emotions such as fear and anxiety [fight or flight] responses), is larger in those who profess to be politically conservative. What this seems to mean is that conservatives are afraid of change, concerned about safety both national and personal and are anti-intellectual.
If these physiological differences truly play a part in how we see the world – is there any factual or logical way to impact the beliefs of religions and / or conservative individuals?

ArthurK 6 Feb 24
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To your last question of there being any factual way to impact religious belief, a big part of the key must surely be to break through religion's firewall of fear. People can receive education, but if they feel they will be cosmically punished for the heresy of disbelieving doctrine, the fear will win. We have to show them logically that their fear is unfounded. That actually is exactly how I was able to throw off religion after having been raised wackadoodle Pentacostal and being devout in,my early and mid-teens. Once I realized that a supposedly all-loving God would never punish us for being precisely as fallable and mistake-prone as "he" had made us, espectially since he is supposedly omniscient, as well, then I realized all I am responsible for is to the best I can to make sense of things and to be a good person. For an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving diety to expect any more is an absurdity. is an impossible contradiction for such a diety to have rage; that would require him to be surpised and disappointed.....but he already knows everything. See where this line of thought goes? We need to pound that point repeatedly to any religious people ready to hear it.


This is interesting


The antithesis of religion is education. Trump getting elected set many of us back on our heels....we thought we were smarter than that. But if you look at the world-wide picture, education is growing at an increasing rate- the numbers of religious are growing...but not as fast.

The graphs weren't copyable; so I copied the whole link to make my point...


Robecology Level 9 Feb 24, 2019


We can hope that education is the answer. But we are seeing the rise of nationalism in many western industrialized countries - the same kind of objection / fear of others that Trump played upon to get elected. It seems to go back to the basic concerns of the established culture that they will loose their place of privilege.
Thanks for the article.


In answer to your question: it’s not factual, but certainly logical — create an amygdala reducing drug (like alum) or a technology (like a laser) to shrink it. Only half kidding.

Redmon17 Level 5 Feb 24, 2019
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