I have written about this before. A Socialist Democracy is not the same as Socialist Communism. Americans actually live in semi-socialist state now. The Federal Reserve Bank, Medicare, Medicaid, VA medical systems, education, the interstate highway systems, etc. are socialist ideas. This does not preclude a capitalistic economy to balance the needs of the people to remain “free.”
[The idea of Medicare for All (as opposed to universal healthcare) will not eliminate the health insurance industry, but change its focus to that of supplement providers as they are now. Their rule for paying claims is simple – If Medicare pays for a claim, the insurance company will pay their fair share.]
I believe that most conservatives are more afraid of the idea of redistribution of wealth. They believe that personal wealth is an indicator of that person’s religiosity (prosperity Christians). During the Eisenhower years, income tax peaked above 90 percent for the very rich. Most “average” Americans do not understand that the upper 0.1 percent just know how to hide their money better than the rest of us, so their actual tax rate could be as low as zero. Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy and our economy soared.
We need to drop the "socialism" concept all-together. We never called Social Security socialism...nor public schools. nor our military....but that's just what they are.
How about calling the health for all push Social Health security?
How about calling the push to get colleges for free the Social Higher Education Security?
How about calling our military "Social National Defense security"
How about calling our police "Social Protection and Enforcement Security"
Because everyone in America who carries a Social Security card is a card-carrying Socialist...
I've made this comment before, so stop me if you've heard this. We let Reagan demonize the word "liberal" and it really hurt the cause. You're damn right I'm liberal. And yes, I tend towards the social side of capitalism.
We can refer to things by adding the word “socialist” everywhere. The socialist police. The socialist firefighters. The socialist highway. Like when someone asks you for directions, say, “Take the socialist highway 57 north. or “I trust the socialist boys in blue to protect my community. Challenge them to prove you wrong.
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