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What we can do to make the world a better place for every one to live, for example instead of wasting resources and effort on making weapon and big armies we can use it for technology and development of life quality and environment?

Is it possible to achieve it by uniting the whole world as one nation under one single government?

NR92 6 Mar 26
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I cannot imagine it in our lifetimes. Looks lovely on Star Trek, but for one pesky detail: Human nature. And no, it is not a mere matter of education. We could educate all of humanity, but a very small percent could wreck it for everyonone. All it takes is the occasional narcissistic, power-hungry, sociopathic con artist and we are once again subverted by a Musselini, Stallin, Putin, etc., etc. ....not to mention the capitalist robber barons that seek to own us all.

I think you have to take into account our ability to shape and mold our own nature into what we want it to be by shaping the childhood environment and experiences of our . I highly encourage you to look at some of the research into psychology and morality that has been done on this subject; not because i'm right and you're wrong (which isn't necessarily the case), but simply because it might make you feel a bit more hopeful about what we are capable of becoming over time. To me, the fact that we CAN be as as good, kind, and generous as some of us are, despite generations of us being raised and brainwashed under a competitive dog-eat-dog capitalist system speaks volumes about our naturally occurring nature and who/what we all want to be before it gets eroded away. I don't think people need to change, i think we need to STOP changing into something other than what we are.

@JustinMichael yeah, I have been studying it. I am a psychotherapist with a sociology background. I stand by my observation.


that will never happen, i like the concept for a movie or something lol


On the subject of a world federation , I would reject this idea on two grounds . 1. I feel that it would infringe upon self determination. [] . 2. If , and when , it were to become feasible to have international solidarity , and unity , then from a Marxist standpoint , that would be the time to dissolve the state , and to establish free communism [].

Marmion Level 6 Mar 26, 2019

I can't imagine a government without competition. When we try to imagine a better government what do we do? We look at the happiest and those with the most freedom for the greatest number of people. Usually Scandinavian countries and maybe Canada. More countries though are what we would not want especially those that are religious based, suppressing freedom. One world government would, in my opinion be more likely to be a type of theocracy and that's the very last thing I would want.

gearl Level 8 Mar 26, 2019

Like in futileram?


No, it’s on the way with Globalisation of markets which instead of unifying creates even greater sociological divides. The theory is wonderful but the practice is not a good fit for humankind as it operates currently. So long as there is ‘us’ and ‘not-us’ mentality there will be conflict. Imagine D Trump esq being elected World Leader. The implications are too awful to contemplate!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Mar 26, 2019

I didn't mean the economic globalization, I meant Social Democratic Internationalism

@Noor92 You can’t seperate economics and politics. If we want a free market then competition is essential. If we don’t want a free market then we don’t have freedom, we have dictatorship.

@OwlInASack pretty much. Can’t think of any situation past or present that is a third way, but open to be educated

@OwlInASack and that will only happen if a free market is enabled. As with many areas in the Western World, gentrification is making many potentially habitable areas, such as industrial redevelopments outside the means of those on low incomes. The part solution to housing is affordable Government Housing or Housing Commision domiciles but there is no money in it. That would have to be not-for-profit arrangements. I agree the idealistic solution is sensible controls, but that takes political will and a rejection of political financial brokers in favour of a new ideology.


That concept of world unity is called "Globalism" and it scares the s...t out of most conservatives...who want the world dominance of White Christians - often called "Nationalism" but more subtlely referred to as White Nationalism. Fortunately, education and knowledge is growing in our nation and world....and as knowledge grows, the logic of science takes hold and the mythology of religion fades.

So my point is; many want the UN and globalism extinguished...and right now many who say this are rich and powerful...including our #LiarInChief DJT.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 26, 2019

There is nothing more powerful than mass of people.

@Noor92 there is sadly. Fear of repurcussion. Otherwise many oppressive situations would have been challenged. History is strewn with uprisings, most ending badly, except maybe The Long March but that was more an exodus than uprising.


No risk chaos and can inviting dictatorship worldwide

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 26, 2019

Not dictatorship, Social Democratic Internationalism

@Noor92 not likely in present environment

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