10 2

I want to see a list of "so-called" third world countries that have better Healthcare for the average citizen than the richest country in the world, Merica. I'm guessing it's a decent list but I just don't know...

JazznBlues 8 Mar 30
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Yes the big mighty USA can compare itself to tiny poor countries and come up short. Failing to provide healthcare to its citizenry is a moral failing and purely political. Of course we have the economic means, we do not have the political will. It is shameful. The hunger, poverty, suicide and poor infrastructure are all government neglect of human needs.

NJSnarky Level 6 Mar 31, 2019

Tell em njsnarky

What's pitiful is that healthcare would be far more attainable if people were warned of the dangers of eating all animals and animal products and refined oils, yes all oils. And sugar and processed foods. We would not be in this bind with western styled diseases ( cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, immune diseases, Alzheimer's, dementia, high blood pressure etc.) if were not for the food problems in this country.


Don't personally know any countries with those two qualifications... What Bernie Sanders usually says is, "We [te USA] are the only 'major' country in the world without comprehensive health care." I've queried his use of the term "major country" before on Facebook -- but I suppose what he means are OECD countries, or the 30 or so wealthiest countries.

Garbonza Level 6 Mar 31, 2019

Okay,. This is an idea I have been kicking around for a little bit. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. Just don't kick at me if you don't like it. I fight dirty.

This is a way fund health care for everyone. It doesn't raise taxes and it lowers government spending.

Seems impossible, right?

We are indirectly taxed by the banking industry through merchant fees. Usually, when I for an appraisal or a consulting fee of some kind, and a person uses their credit card the bill, I end up paying a merchant fee. It is usually around 1 percent. Now, if someone uses a Capital 1 card or American Express, I really get screwed on the fee. It is around 2 percent.

All of us pay merchant fees. Even if you are spending cash, you are paying indirectly for the merchant fees because, merchants have raise the price of all their goods and services cover the cost.

Okay,. Now let's talk about the group of thieves. Pardon me. Let's talk about the Federal Reserve.

Either the U.S. controls it's , or someone else does. Right now the U.S. does not control it's .

So instead of talking about this, let's do something. Let's put together a bill.

The bill is complicated. Here is the jist of it.

The Federal Reserve loses it's privilege of distributing , the U.S. treasury takes control of distributing . It also takes control of all transactions involving digital transfers of U.S. . It should be doing this anyway.

The U.S. Treasury will continue a merchant fee. Just the same way it is being charged now. The collected is 100 percent used fund healthcare.

There is an issue with the transfer of power. Well actually, there are a bunch.

If the bill were pass,. ( That is a tough one. It stands against the most powerful industries controlling Congress. Likely, its passing will have to include serious picketing and demonstrations.) Then hospital stockholders need a buyout. The government always takes it on the ass with those types of negotiations.

The government no longer picks up the tab on uninsured emergencies or the VA. Also the cost of medical care goes down 30 percent when you boot the insurance companies. It also goes down when hospitals no longer are profit generating. Goes up with all people able to get care.

Overall. Healthcare. Long term reduction of government expenses. We stick it the banks and insurance companies.

Heathenman Level 7 Mar 31, 2019

What's a second world country and how do you measure 1st 2nd and 3rd worlds?

Anonbene Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

Strangely enough population stability is the hallmark for 1st. Population of moderate growth with industrialization would be 2nd. High population explosion would be 3rd. Obviously it won't apply to every single situation but it is probably accurate 90% of the time.

My thumbs up thing isn't working so I'll type thank you instead.
Thank you.

@Anonbene mine neither, it's driving me crazy.

Oh good, I mean, not good, cause I thought I pissed off the agnostic gods for a second


Large list HBO has a special about with Dr sanjay Gupta worth seeing

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 30, 2019

Just looked up the numbers and 1/7th of the United States is uninsured. Less than I thought and more troubling since covering the last 30 million out of 253 million would seem to be small in comparison to the whole.

JazznBlues Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

These numbers are adults only, not including under 18. Not sure why they didn't have kids included.


It's impractical to come to a meaningful conclusion to this issue when many 3rd world countries have obstacles in place hindering their healthcare system. If you're attempting to draw a measured acceptive choice towards a system to go forward with. Venezuela and Cuba being prime examples right now. While Venezuela was once vastly benefiting from a government socialized system under Chavez, it's now hampered by outside interference and opposition forces, due to sanctions. Does the list provided below by another member weigh in those issues? So I will argue that depending on 3rd world statistics over the rest of the westernized world is simply illogical. To make a fairly reliable analysis you have to have a level playing field in ability to manage cost, supplies, medications, personal, and ability to produce each of those. Most 3rd world healthcare systems lack those luxuries and often under attack by outside entities to achieve a fair rating for use for comparison.


I work in the Transplant department so am familiar with how far we go for the few. I also see tons of uninsured people living with hernias, bad teeth, bad joints, ect... They hammer through a knee surgery, or a hernia repair pretty quickly these days. Seems criminal the way a good share of the public is treated. Work them hard until they're used up and then discard. Wash, Rinse, Repeat...

JazznBlues Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

Fantastic healthcare in Cuba.

CeliaVL Level 7 Mar 30, 2019


Cuba is number 39 in this up-to-date ranking. Chile is much better. Cuba is a one-party state. Chile is a democracy.

@ArturoS perfect! Thank you!

@ArturoS how do you arrive at a true rating with western entities interfering with healthcare via sanctions when it comes to places like Cuba and Venezuela? I find it impractical to arise to a meaningful conclusion that one is better than another when obstacles stand in the way. Unfair to judge between what we have and what could be isn't logical to our debate in the US.

@OwlInASack I agree.(The like icon is still not working on my phone.)

@CeliaVL To like or dislike the comment you hsve to join this subgroup.

I’m not sympathetic to the Cuban position. The Cuban promotion of armed uprisings throughout the world is generally known but not really well lnown. The world has a right to block off a criminal, whether his name is Pablo Escobar or Fidel Castro.

The main goal of government is to promote the wekfare of the people. In Cuba that philosophy hasn’t prevailed. There the idea is how people can be used to benefit the government. More than 60 years after Castro took over his family controls the nation, which renains a one party state.

The people of Cuba cannot elect their leaders bc the only authorized political party is the Communist Party. Therefore, they haven’t ratified the confrontational or “internationalist” policies of their government. The politics and misery of Cuba are the sole responsibility of its non-democratic government.

@ArturoS I think a citizen of the USA is hardly in a position to criticise other countries for possible interference in other countries affairs. In any case this post is about healthcare.


Cuba for one.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 30, 2019


Número 39.

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