7 2

You are right about the umbrella term. However, throwing in socialism with communism is strongly debatible association going back to the 1918 takeover by Leinin in Russia. In present day, it does the term and concept a disservice , which allows the right to to red bate. Communism is state ownership of all means of production. Socialism is a trottle on capitalism's worst excesses, to promote the greater good by taxing the higher end wages and profits to a pareto optimum level. Further, There are two kinds of anarchism a right and a left. These distinctions were clearly visible during the Spanish civil war in the 1930's. They are still in the world today. I am not taking sides here, I only wish to inform.


scout123456 5 Apr 16
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The split actually came earlier in 1914 when the liberals and democratic socialists of Western Europe voted funds for World War I, a useless destructive war that pitted working class people of one country against those of another.
Lenin and other Communists correctly pointed out that Democratic Socialists, by adapting themselves to the capitalist political system, had adopted capitalist, warlike mentality.
In Russia itself, the 2nd revolution of 1917 (Bolshevik) was prompted by the fact that the liberals and democratic socialists there similarly wanted to continue World War I despite its murderous imperialist nature.
After taking power, the Bolsheviks revealed the Sykes-Pikot Treaty which detailed the imperialist war aims of the Western European powers.
European socialists had thus become corrupted by capitalism in the same manner that our Democratic party have become.

Krish55 Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

True learn people

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 16, 2019

I keep this video tabbed for these kind of comments...

Robecology Level 9 Apr 16, 2019

The government type names, such as democracy and socialism, are rarely accurate descriptions of any government. They are either waved or spat by people trying to manipulate people, to make them think they live under a better system than others.

EdEarl Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

Scout, I agree with most of what you say, though your description of socialism overlaps with "social democracy" -- the two definitions between which I place myself. I don't see a problem in "taking sides" if steering a mindlessly polite middle course (that won't redress the gross imbalances between classes) is the option. Comparing extreme right and left wings, at the lower end of totalitarianism there is a total blurring both of intent, and results, as seen in the very close compatibility between Hitler and Stalin. Though supposedly at opposite ends of the political spectrum, right and left respectively, the paranoically suspicious Stalin believed Hitler to be a trusted ally for nearly two years during their non-aggression pact 1939-41. Both inflicted an all-ruling personality cult over their people, whom they subdued without mercy while at the same time arguably making life more comfortable materialistically for the conforming majority.

Garbonza Level 6 Apr 16, 2019

While we argue over what we call these things the "right wing fascists push ahead" labels don't matter! Clean water - do this! New jobs- try this, be healthy- this works. American ingenuity is the only label needed.

Tooreen Level 7 Apr 16, 2019

@dan325, @OwlInASack Look in a mirror

@dan325, @OwlInASack carry on, its working 👍


I don't think you're right. I understand socialism and communism as urban and agrarian expressions of the same thing: the state ownership of assets., What you call socialism, I call social democracy.

brentan Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

Thank you for your comment.

@Allamanda I forgot to add 'respectively' I call socialism urban.

@Allamanda Maybe I've expressed my thoughts badly....

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