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Why do I not see more black people on this site?

aahouck49 7 Apr 21
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Oppressed minorities such as Atheists, Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans and refugees often have little time for dating and "community" in our vague practice here

Is there any group of people not oppressed?? People all over the world are oppressed including our somehow, great white supremeness, do not know about you, but just because I am "white" not the top 50 shades of it! The only people I know that are not oppressed are the super wealthy in every country on planet earth! so no white people are ever oppressed, ever seen Appalachia? ever seen or been to an native american reservation, people always leave out the native americans in all of this, even now they do it! even seen the projects esp in New York city and the burroughs? you did mention native americans, sorry, but nobody cares if, not really what we think on, they just think we are misdirected and confused, but they do love to interfere and go along with whatever, also called ZOMBIES OR WALKING TREES! walking trees is an interesting parable, read up on it, rather interesting, Parables! also must read how ancients thought and then how we think also always read both sides of their opinions.


I could be wrong, but it may be that many or most are christians. I'm on a dating site, and never, in over 5 years, has a black women listed under religion, as anything but christian, sometimes baptist. There is such prejudice against athiests, that it probably wouldn't occur to many blacks to go there, since christian is their default position, and they, too, would have an anti athiest bias generally.

Yes that is most likely some of it, no doubt.

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