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This is maga?

Tooreen 7 Apr 25
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Those pot-bellied, beer-brained ignoramouses will just lay on their couches, nursing their collective hangover, if Trump ever got impeached. Although, years from now, we might see a few of them, in red Trumplerite hats, mooching money at airports!

davknight Level 8 May 1, 2019

Evidently yes for those spellbound by 45’s cult-like grip on his Trumptards & Trumpettes. In watching his neophytes elating interviews, they praise their demagogue as their long awaited Messiah President with “balls.” The Trump Presidency is like watching Back to the Future II but instead of owning Hill Valley, Biff Tannen used the Sports Almanac to become President.

publius65 Level 4 Apr 25, 2019

Wonder if they'd be so big and tough if the blue states stopped subsidising the red?

But, but but, then how do they afford their guns?


I must get my ass over over there.

Justified murder doesn't come every day!

brentan Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

Really?????....rational, civil, educated,....does not mean weak, un-trained, un-armed.

Not by any stretch just like shouting louder don't make you righter


The military is on it. They are well aware of any illicit "training" going on. What happened in Charlottesville won't happen again.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

Do we trust the military and who gives the orders

@Tooreen Good question; but if you're waving threatening banners...on either the pro or the con're going to attract police and military law-enforcement attention.

I used to fear "the man" as a child....but then maturing...gaining friends in the armed services and the police...and your perspective changes.

They - almost all of them....want to maintain "the peace"...regardless of the political leanings of those disturbing it

@Robecology I think you first attract the FBI, The constitution prevents millatry deployment at home I thought which leaves the National Gaurd. National Guard from Louisiana would be a much different unit to one from California for example. First ammendment protects this banner , but if its fears that are on your mind try trump calling for a citizens militia to protect a neighborhood or city, or polling places

@Tooreen That's the very groups that I had in mind. I'm betting the next "citizen's uprising that shows to any publicized event will not only have the local police on it. I'm betting the FBI will be well aware of any movement of these folk...


@Robecology I read an article some time ago relating how these groups have infiltrated police forces and local governments. They have been busy planning for opportunities.


Trumpers are scary Assholes but I am probably a better shot than those inbred pinheads

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 25, 2019

I don't think I am going to lose much sleep worrying about these guys.

Anonbene Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

It's Murika alright...

Charlene Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

Calvert County Maryland I believe is the home of the Surratt house where John Wilkes Booth ran to and Dr. Mudds house where he got his leg tended to before crossing the Potomac to the barn he got killed in that was near where Ft. AP Hill is now. There's a highway marker but I couldn't find any trace of the barn when I went looking for it.

Anonbene Level 8 Apr 25, 2019
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