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Noam Chomsky--Best Speech of 2018.
He explained how America has positioned its foreign policy above international law for many decades. He tallies many major American offenses internationally, giving many historical examples, and addresses the American laws which America breaks time and time again, but which we expect other countries to worship slavishly. He gives example about the doomsday clock and how many times American has brought the world closer to the threat of nuclear war and the extinction of all life. And he answers several questions from students. Hope you enjoy the well-organized, eloquent lecture.

AnonySchmoose 8 May 16
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My favorite intellectual person


I’ve seen this. Like Chomsky, I’m an American Jew despondent at Israel’s maltreatment of Palestinians and the U.S. fealty to Israel. But more than Israel-Palestine, Chomsky calls out brutality perpetrated by the privileged classes throughout history, worldwide. He’s studied and clear. The first book of his I remember reading was Manufacturing Consent, an insightful and well-documented (as are all his works) look at how the media, globally, is a megaphone to drum up popular support for wars perpetrated by governments. Even these days the New York Times, notably not a pro-Trump newspaper, is willing to present Trump as presidential when writing about his aggressive war mongering.

I’m grateful you posted it.

Bobbyzen Level 8 May 16, 2019

Polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism began in 1947 and has continued in SE ASIA 1959 IRAN 1953 every illegal war including Korea 1950....Billy Graham wanted USA to invade Korea the only true biography of that rich weapons owner by Cecil Bothwell PRINCE OF WAR ASHEVILLE N CAROLINA


I feel sorry for Mr. Chomsky.

He's got too negative a world view IMO.

Yes; the "doomsday" clock puts us dangerously near the end.

But I see too narcissistic a leader to see him pressing buttons to send nukes all over.


Robecology Level 9 May 16, 2019

What scares me is Chomsky's examples of how close people have gotten to enacting a nuclear mistake that could destroy all life. Also, how stubborn America's powerful wealthy are to not take global warming to heart. We can't ignore the hell out of them, so we have to fight them intelligently, which is what Chomsky is helping to do by elucidating everything that has, is, and probably will continue to destroy the 99% here and internationally. "Even the pawn must hold a grudge." (Dylan, a decade younger than Chomsky)

@AnonySchmoose One of my most popular blogs that I"ve written (on was titled "Greed; the Perfect addiction; And the one factor that could kill America" over 2 years ago. So I concur; it's wealth, the enabling of wealth by the present administration, and the perfection of the "Greed Addiction" that could spell disaster for us.


@Robecology Thanks! When I catch with my chores today, I'll check it out and reply.

@michaelinlivonia No one here said global warming is entirely America's doing. "The US, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, France and China, are considered "nuclear-weapon states" (NWS) under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), while India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea also stockpile nuclear warheads. More than 95% of the world's nuclear weapons are in the US and Russian inventory." How are the US and Russia not a threat. No one knows what some idiot in power will do ultimately to aggravate the world and then decide to retaliate. Example: The US decides to aggravate Iran or other Islamic states with its foreign policy decisions, and in retaliation they begin to make nuclear weapons, instead of merely having materials to make them. How could you claim that either the US or Russia didn't try to cause exactly those dangerous conditions by using aggressive and accusatory foreign policy against the Islamic states.

@michaelinlivonia G.W. isn't "America's" fault, but we live a far more lavish lifestyle than any other it can be said that it's a typical American's fault.


You said; " instead of economically sanctioning them, we send them foreign aid money." Also false. The Iran multi-nation agreement restricts Iran development of nuclear material. We even heard they were trying to secretly speed up their centrifuges (to create weapons grade Plutonium) and we sent them a computer bug to mess up all of their we are "sanctioning" them tightly (and Trump wants out of that agreement, which is unwise) and we don't just "send them money".


@michaelinlivonia You have the right to your opinion. However, you really need to double check your own facts and cite your sources for them, before defending all the horrible things the imperialistic capitalist military industrial complex has forced upon so many countries, including the Islamic ones. You have a right to dislike their religion, but not to hate their citizens by, as you stated, 'put[ting] them back in the Stone Age.' By the same token you can't trust a treaty with a Christian country, because they will say all people of all other religions are insane and cannot be trusted, therefore the U.S., the Christian country has a duty and right to make life miserable or to exterminate them. Hate crimes are illegal both in the U.S. and according to U.N. international agreement.

@michaelinlivonia What about white supremacists and hate groups targeting American citizens with violence and death ... regardless of the targeted person's innocence.


Not a fan. I remember studying his work in college and was impressed by his innovative approach to modern linguistics, but I've been turned off by his consistent hostility to all US and Israeli politics, especially considering his Jewish/Zionist background. There's certainly lots to criticize but I'd expect a more balanced view from someone with his intellectual credentials. He appears to be another jerk who can't see a difference between Hillary and Trump.

jerry99 Level 8 May 16, 2019

Some of his interviews may give the impression he has a bias about seeing both sides. I think he has a very strong lie detector talent. He knows a huge amount of history and international politics. He is against the tactics America and Israel have used to get own way, instead of America and Israel seeing both sides with no bias. That is what he speaks against. I am only against problems that Israeli government leaders are creating rather than solving, not against Israeli citizens. Same with America, and ours is much bigger, therefore more examples of corruption, which makes it suicide for us to ignore it or accept status quo.


He is good. But every major world player - the U.K., France, China, Russia, Italy and also countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey are players in their region if not around the world. Each of these countries calls itself a protector of human rights and great charity. Singling out the United States without pointing out what is happening across the world is not correct.

The U.S. does not necessarily do everything for political reasons - some of it includes reducing stress of opposition in the world, for national security, to increase markets for American goods. Sometimes conflicts are created by all the players above to sell arms. It is a huge business for all countries. Some countries plainly feed off conflicts around the world like the U.S., Russia and China.

St-Sinner Level 9 May 16, 2019

We cannot do much about the rest of the world until we do what needs done with our country. The idea is rather like: I have to love myself before I can love others. Did you allow time to listen to the whole video?

@AnonySchmoose Yes, I have watched the video. It is not as broad a view of the world as I would have liked.

@AnonySchmoose, @powder There is a lot that happens outside the U.S. that we Americans do not know about. During Iran Contra affair and investigation in 1987, a survey was conducted on how many people knew where Nicaragua was? Only 11% knew Nicaragua which at the fucking hear of the whole Iran Contra deal.Italy is not as big in the world but it is a one of the major meddler.

@powder I am addressing American voters who will decide the next president in 2020. 🙂

@St-Sinner I always knew about Iran Contra and where Nicaragua is, but then I was college educated back then, and I'm from a family of teachers.

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