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Jimmy Carter gets tenure at Emory University []

GeorgeRocheleau 8 June 4
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With lifetime job security.

is there job security?? everyone can be replaced, and disposed of, so it makes no difference, none at all!

to have job security, one does have to really love that smell and kiss it, so never had job security because I refused to kiss it or smell it!

and we all reach our level of incompetence, been seeing that place in DC?? so cream does not always rise to the top but clammers!!

and let the Hunger Games begin or have they already??


About time! seriously, he's in his 90's

Charlene Level 9 June 4, 2019

Isn't it a little too late? How long has he been teaching there?

St-Sinner Level 9 June 4, 2019

Are you telling me they just did that?? The Great Man of the People! Mr. President of the once United States!

so their holinesses at Emory gave him what??


Ever been to Emory? Atlanta, Georgia, give me a break from Georgia!!

Jimmy and Roslyn do it better always and emory had nothing to do with it, those super hero duo's!


aahouck49 Level 7 June 4, 2019

Wondering why they didn't do it 20 years ago.

@GeorgeRocheleau do you think Jimmy and Rosalyn care?? Do you know what they did at their last Baptist convention, raised holy hell because they still refused to allow women to preach, so they both got up and left, stated their own church with a woman of great knowledge, just because she was black is no big deal the them or most of us!!

HE HAD A PHd in NUCLEAR PHYSICS!! as I recall or something super high on the geek range!!

Remember that Royal Wedding, and that Preacher and the Choir!!

did you see the faces of those constipated aristocats!!

wait until they finally show that mixed baby, just wait for it!

cause I know much about genetics and dna and such things, just wait!!!

now talk about finally getting some ROYAL BLOOD INTO THAT HOUSE OF WINDSOR!!



Carter, 94, who has taught at Emory for 37 years, was given tenured faculty appointment in four schools: the Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, Candler School of Theology and Rollins School of Public Health.

I would be so honored to be sitting in on any of his classes.

Rare wisdom; still going strong....

Robecology Level 9 June 4, 2019
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