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What is the main difference between Social Democracy and Social Liberalism?

NR92 6 June 12
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Now of days there is not so much difference between social democrats and social liberals , especially since the rise of third way politics [] , both are positioned on the center-left of the political spectrum [] . This somewhat lengthy article might give some insight . []

Marmion Level 6 June 24, 2019

Watch this, and decide for yourself.

Socialism is an easy word to break down. It's doing something for the benefit of society; the Ism comes in when it becomes a practice;

Watch, please;

Robecology Level 9 June 12, 2019

Please define what you mean, I have never heard of Social Liberalism to describe any political, governmental or social construct.

glennlab Level 10 June 12, 2019

Social Democracy is a fusion of Socialism, and Capitalism, designed to guarantee basic human rights, and to see to it that basic needs are met, while still allowing for limited "free enterprise". Social Liberalism grew out of the eighteenth-century European Enlightenment, and is basically the idea that laissez- faire should apply to every aspect of life.(nowadays, it would be called 'Political Correctism' ). Social Democracy is designed to appeal to the masses. While Social Liberalism largely appeals to liberal-minded bourgeois, petit-bourgeois, and the 'intelligentsia'.

davknight Level 8 June 12, 2019

Probably none if Social Democracy is in practice by Social Liberals...without practitioners liberalism is a movement to change our fascist AmeriKKKa....partial Democracy exists in colleges and cities like NYC


I never heard of the latter.

I'll look it up.

brentan Level 8 June 12, 2019

I think the Canadian current government system is Liberal Socialism.


Completely different

bobwjr Level 10 June 12, 2019

How? while both support mixed economy

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