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“Bezos, Our Backs Are Tired”: Amazon Workers Strike on Prime Day ...

... While Amazon’s earnings continue to grow, however, workers charged with filling orders at faster speeds are working under “endlessly brutal and punishing conditions,” as reporter Ravie Lakshmanan put it. The Guardian has described warehouse workers being injured on the job and then denied benefits or help. In another case, a former Amazon employee said he was fired for supporting unionization efforts."
Now then ... do you think we need to support unions again?

AnonySchmoose 8 July 15
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It's a supply and demand issue.

There's always an abundance of people lining up for jobs at Amazon.

Their pay and benefits are not bad...they're fair and competitive. Sure you have to hustle...but you're told that from the start.

Unions have gotten "top-heavy" with fat executives living off of swollen dues. The day of unions are fading unless they can "trim the fat" and focus on the real needs for fairness and consistency to workers...and clearly they've failed miserably on this.

Here's Elon Musk's (Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity) take on unions....

And Here's where I got the other info. I'm really surprised that so many of my progressive/Socialists associates are so pro-union. It worked for us many decades's unions are basically "old fashioned and out of date"....and more closely represent the platform of the Republican Party.


Robecology Level 9 July 16, 2019

@dan325 Read the article by Elon Musk. He makes tremendous sense.

" “They drove GM & Chrysler to bankruptcy & lost 200,000+ jobs for people they were supposed to protect, incl abandoning NUMMI plant workers [the previous joint venture between Toyota and GM],” he wrote on Twitter. “Tesla took over & now it has 10k+ jobs.UAW destroyed once great US auto industry & everyone knows it.”


@Robecology I have no argument with your indictment of the management of some unions. I know there were unfair practices (outrageous demands on the worker members) in the unions. However, at some time in the past, they did help workers get fair treatment from industry bosses and avoid being murdered merely for protesting. I agree with @dan325 that we need "better unions governed by the workers from the ground up."

@AnonySchmoose and @dan325; I agree that we need better unions....all I'm saying is that right now union leadership is greedy and power-obsessed, and not focused on the best welfare for Bezos and Musk both shun the unions - with good cause. I support these CEO's.

Please click on the links I posted above, and read their POV's.

@ Robecology Thanks!
I read both articles. In Musk article, I like the formula that management must consult with worker group on basically everything, and there is free movement from worker status to manager status and the reverse. In Dixon article, I like that the formula for good unions is to reduce middle management and front-line supervisors and allow more decision-making and self-supervision by workers. It goes for many different professions in which workers work hard and currently receive comparatively low salaries. Between the two formulas, it appears that bringing back strong unions does stand a chance as long as workers are directly involved in all processes equally as managers and supervisors themselves. Did I get that right?


Unions are not good in Capitalism. Employers should be worried about losing talent. Workers should acquire better skills and stay competitive instead of holding capital hostage. These socialist ideas will die down quickly.

St-Sinner Level 9 July 16, 2019

if you don't believe in eith socialist or progressive ideas, your opinion is given its just weight.


Yes! 100%

Frctnal Level 7 July 16, 2019

Absolutely HAVE to support unions..otherwise We lose any and all benefits of the deaths of all those Men, Women and Children gave their lives for..

Charlene Level 9 July 15, 2019

One word ....... UNIONIZE .

GEGR Level 7 July 15, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 July 15, 2019


MojoDave Level 9 July 15, 2019
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