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Who's watching the debate? I'm not, I can just get the highlights tomorrow (and the next day).

altschmerz 9 July 30
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The fact they won't put all the front runners together makes them useless to me

JesseBoren Level 7 July 31, 2019

I’m getting pretty pissed off at the circular firing squad approach to picking a presidential candidate. And I can’t stand the reporters heavy-handed attempts at moderation. All that aside, it hurts me to see so many excellent people doing such a shitty job of convincing people they should be president. I still think Elizabeth Warren has the best shot. I also think the younger candidates need to develop a great deal more experience before they tackle the presidency. Sigh but nobody asked for my opinion.

jerry99 Level 8 July 30, 2019

Sorry you're not watching

Progressives who care deeply for our nations future are paying close attention to every voice.

I'm not suggesting you don't care deeply; I'm suggesting that those who are watching - in general - care more, and want to be a better educated voter.

Media highlights of the debates are just that - highlights.

Watching each debate is an education for anyone who participates...and an educated voter is more valuable than a voter who's just viewed "highlights".

Robecology Level 9 July 30, 2019

@altschmerz To me....they are.


I respect your non-interest.

Some of us are more concerned about our candidates than others. That doesn't make you less of a devotee to progressivism. Some of us have the time to watch, some don't. It's not a cut and dry issue.

@altschmerz This is simple to me...The more you listen and watch the better you know them.

Stop taking this personally.

I'm not being condescending....

you're convinced that you shouldn't watch...good for you.

I'm convinced that I should watch. I think it's valuable. You don't.

That doesn't make either of us better.


Will check later

bobwjr Level 10 July 30, 2019
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