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First CNN debate, night 1 (July.30, 2019)
A place for thoughts

Bernie and Elizabeth ruled the night.
I expect Beto and Mayor Pete, to move forward.
On the fence: Klobuchar and Williamson.
Call them toast: Tim Ryan and John Delaney

Beto and Mayor Pete didn’t hurt themselves and still have names in the news.’Mayor Pete as Cenk In TYT said framed his answers well. I also take Cenk’s point that Beto seemed to disappear. I feel similar about Klobuchar though. She's A moderate in a race full of them. She doesn’t really distinguish herself other than I’m from the Midwest. Marianne Williamson did better but she’s not gaining traction and she’s against Medicare for all. Tim Ryan and John Delaney basically running on “socialism is bad mmmkay”. They had terrible performances and Delaney in particular got burned by Warren. Don’t expect any more 10 person debates after tomorrow.

SkepticMike 6 July 31
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Good analysis Mike! Let's hope the dropout rate is as you've predicted.

Robecology Level 9 July 31, 2019

I watched the debate and thought it was mostly an entertainment.

This was my take away:

  1. Democrats have pie in the sky, wishlist economics as Steve Bullock rightly said.
  2. There is nothing pragmatic about their fancy ideas. What are they going to do if they don't have the Senate? If they have the conservative Supreme Court? Ha... ha...
  3. Democrats have become policy wonks, a bunch of nerd professors with just policies, ideas,
  4. None came across as a leader. We have been talking about all these ideas for 40 years in Washington but nothing gets done. Mitch McConnell opens says he will be the Grim Reaper for the Democratic bills. Not a single ideas they talked about is new. These are all 40 year old idea and near ZERO has been accomplished in these 40 years of the likes of Bernie, Biden and others.

The fact that Democrats are not producing a strong leader instead of just producing a crowd of professors, will re-elect Trump. At least he continues to shock the system and dismantle old beliefs and ways of Washington.

St-Sinner Level 9 July 31, 2019

I agree that Trump is not a model human being. All of his vices are known. Voters wanted him to make Washington work, keep economy growing, stop illegal immigration, build the wall, renegotiate trade agreements among other things and he has delivered on some promises.

I don't think any of Trump's ideas are a pie in the sky. He mostly talked about reversing the bad things of the Democrats (in his language). Promising huge things like universal health care, free college education, expanding supreme court and achieving a large gun control (let alone touching the 2nd amendment) are big pies in the sky. We don't have the Senate, we may not keep the house, the Supreme Court is conservatives, appellate courts are filled with conservatives... how can we even pass ordinary laws? People are also tired of hearing about the worn out and old "TAX THE RICH" slogans.

I remember conservatives made Obama is a Hitler memes and some even worse. The anger about Obama was high after Health Care law. This happens on both sides no matter who is president. Now who decides which president was good for the country? Not Conservatives, not progressives. It is the history.


Agreed..Delaney and Ryan were scorched by Warren & was awesome!!
Also Hickenlopper and Bollocks (Montana gov) are gone as well..

Charlene Level 9 July 31, 2019

Good to know, thank you.

I knew I could count on someone here giving a true executive summary without having to actually suffer through actually watching it.

Heathenman Level 7 July 31, 2019

The herd thins

bobwjr Level 10 July 31, 2019

Good to know .

GEGR Level 7 July 31, 2019
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