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He was the man in 2016 and even more so in 2020!

MoonTigerII 7 Aug 10
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A wrong messenger selling you a pie in the sky. Old, hunchback, Jewish and wild impractical plans are a lethal combination for self destruction in U.S. presidential elections. 40 years in politics and not one big accomplishment, voted once against gun control. Trump said Bernie getting the nomination would be a dream come true.

We have become a party of elites, bureaucrats, Intellectuals and bookish people who are policy wonks. Where is the leader of the masses, of the comman man?

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 11, 2019

I saved this excellent recent interview with Bernie, where he explains how the "debates" are not really "debates"

Robecology Level 9 Aug 10, 2019

Nice to see Warren pulling out ahead of him in Iowa.

jerry99 Level 8 Aug 10, 2019

"Don't mistake" that the DNC did nothing to protect your donations to him from a sharing system. In other words. Just like those of us who donated our money to him, it went to Clinton and the DNC and their rigged system. All the people donating money to ALL those democratic candidates do so for it all to eventually end up in the coffer of the fake politician they're going to chose for you in the end. In which Sanders has remained totally silent on as he joined them in their false Russian narrative right after he betrayed all of us. Good luck with all that!

@avron and yet Sanders has done nothing to combat this issue, and still silent towards the rigging. That's a pretty loud statement of no voice towards what his intended agenda may be. Like I said above. Good luck with all that.


I caucused for him in 2016 but going for Warren this time. Sorry! I think Trump and Bernie on the same stage is not a good look with wild hair and hands flying.

@avron I didn’t see Sanders put up a huge fight! What exactly was she supposed to do?

@avron You have your opinion and I have mine and Bernie doesn’t cut it for me.

@Killtheskyfairy. Because of his wild hair and gestures... Mature criteria! 😂😂

@MoonTigerII We will see how much fun Fox, Trump, and Russia has with it. Not voting for another old white guy. I have read many of your responses so don’t tell me about maturity. I gave Bernie my time and effort last time and am moving on because I didn’t see a lot of leadership from him and his behavior in the debates was not impressive. He is a good man whose time has passed so GTFOH.

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