Today in Hawaii, Indigenous resistance to the Thirty Meter Telescope. Songs and prayers to protect sacred lands and resources.
As of today, November 23, 2019, the TMT is fully permitted to be constructed not only on Mauna Kea (which has not happened) AND in the Canary Islands (as a Plan B). The Hawaiian Kupuna are still "blocking" the road to the summit that is/was initially blocked for all cultural practitioners to the Mountain (when the "state" closed the road (the "blocking" was a response to that closing). The practice of culture in Hawai'i is constitutionally protected, but science is not. Recently, facts of an illegal "stealing" of the road (crosses Dept. of Hawaiian Homes Land lands) has been revealed. Bottom line - the Kupuna are "blocking" a "closed" (by the "state" ) road that the "state" Department of Transportaion has "stolen!" (I use quotes on "state" as, by international law, the Kingdom of Hawai'i, the actual holder of title to the lands on which the "stolen" road exists, continues to exist AND Hawai'i is thus "occupied" by the u.s.) (My credentials? - I am one of the original intervenors in opposition to the TMT!)
I was at Pearl Naval base in the late 70's, early 80's and they had a large gantry crane decorated with Hawaiian drawings to deflect spirits. I was told it was the only time the Navy allowed such a thing, after 2 guys died and no natives would go back up into it. All in the superstition or the loss of work?
Primitive beliefs vs Science.
If the belief that all living beings are connected and sacred is primitive, I’m in.
@Bobbyzen Fossil fuel has given the human societies around the world multiple times more advantages than the side effects in the last 100 years - driving and flying are just two uses. The climate change is caused by hundreds of other things that have nothing to do with fossil fuel. Don't forget science is what has revealed how the climate is being negatively affected - not old beliefs. Life is unimaginable without fossil fuel today. Every single person criticizing fossil fuel cannot do without it even for a day.
What surprises me is we agnostics dismiss everything in the Bible as primitive including "Love Thy Neighbor" and assert science. How is this voodoo group right in stopping the lab whose location is based on a very sound and logical reason? We cannot have it both ways.
@Bobbyzen Communism or Socialism or Capitalism all have advantages and disadvantages. It depends in which culture, which leaders and what population it is implemented by and for. There are great examples of successes and failures of each around the world throughout the history.
India knew at independence about the ills of capitalism and ills of socialism and implemented a mixed system A noble idea. Today India is the most corrupt in Asia, still a 3rd world without toilets for 1/2 of its people and most unsafe country for women in the world. Today's capitalism in the U.S. is Uncontrolled Capitalism or Capitalism that has run amok. However in general, there is a consensus that capitalism lifts everybody up while it lifts the right much more up.
Just blaming capitalism randomly is incorrect.
@St-Sinner "there is a consensus that capitalism lifts everybody up" is a narrow view. The tens of millions of poor, incarcerated, children living in poverty, the diseased suffering from environmental injustice, the uncounted dead and homeless refugees ravaged by wars waged for profit........Capitalism cannot be controlled because profit is its goal, no matter the cost to humankind. There is no perfect system because humans are imperfect. But advocating for a the pestilence of Capitalism keeps us from recognizing the intrinsic value of every living being. There are better ways.
Capitalism can be controlled with checks and balances. That is what Elizabeth Warren keeps talking about. A lot of rich people have gone to jail for financial crimes without anyone complaining.
It is not the capitalism, it is minimum wage and other social surgical measures. Capitalism gives freedom to everyone to prosper but there always be the lower strata of the society that will not succeed for a variety of reason - such as lack of skills, lack of hard work, lack of abilities and also laziness. It is also happens that capitalism if not controlled, it does not offer a leveled playing field. That is why there is other social programs to lift that strata. America has become the magnet for the best and the brightest from around the world to come here and succeed.
There always will be people like the Barbara Streisand's movie character in "The Way We Were" who hates capitalism and wants communism but would not live in communist countries for a week. They all want car showrooms, easy mortgages, stores full of appliances, clothes and food.Capitalism has also given abundance to societies that socialism and communism cannot.
@St-Sinner We have a profound difference of opinion. The very foundation of capitalism is profit. Exploitation of workers is necessary for profit. The pages of American history are soaked with the blood of workers. I once believed regulation could check corporate greed. But our government and institutions are thick with corporate fingerprints. Hell, even the EPA when it was considered effective had rules written by corporations telling us what level of toxins in our air, land and water were acceptable (vs. zero, which is the only acceptable level for human health). There are a lot of reasons to like Warren. Her fealty to capitalism ain’t one of ‘em.
So thoughts and prays to stop a telescope..smh.
They’ve been engaged in a years-long struggle to protect the sacred, including legal, lobbying/legislative and civil disobedience. They’re holding ceremony, passed down over generations, on the two-lane road to the construction site in another form of civil disobedience. I’m surprised at the scoffs from the members of this site.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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