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Something that bothers me is why Trump is digging up dirt on Biden over the 2016 election for political gains in his 2020 re-election campaign. WTF? Who the hell won the 2016 election anyway (and I am not talking popular vote!)? Are Trumpsters so naive or gullible to buy Trumps rhetoric, h****s and lies that they would blindly walk off a bridge with this lunatic? It seems Trump has brainwashed about 41% of the nation's people. And that only starts the inquiry of this mentally unstable jester. What sane person would condone torturing a child by separating that child from their parent? It's not the parent that will suffer lifelong trauma. What logic is precipitated from justifying the massacre of an ally? So my point is, Trump can only deflect his insecure and cowardly behavior to the naive and gullible for the bizarre loyalty he demands from his constituency. ---- Sorry, I had to vent. I just don't understand how people can condone and even relish in Trump's stupidity.

RustBucket1967VW 5 Oct 24
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I think a lot of them already were brainwashed so they were easy prey. Some are living the so called American Dream and they think Trump will protect that. Boy will they be surprised when it eventually comes tumbling down on them. It's just a matter of time. Hopefully we can all rise from the ashes and survive this assault that has been waged upon our country and bring humanity back and scare away hate and racism.


His Presidency has shined a light on the level of ignorance in this country. Scary ain't it?

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

My prediction is this Orange Communist Traitor Turd will be gone by Christmas .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 24, 2019

@Bobby9 That Fucking Gay Blade will be gone.too .


There's an answer; it's a protective mental mechanism that happens to any organism when they're "overcrowded".

I read this in my Senior year in HS...and it helped set my career direction (Ecology and Demography).

To sum it up; The more crowded it gets, the more psychotic we - or any social animal - becomes.

Crowding causes wars, greed, territoriality, child-neglect, Asexual name the social ill...this explains it.

Oh...and we're growing at 158 more births, than deaths, per minute.



Here's a video to help you understand the "religulous" and the "Trumpster"...

Robecology Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

@RustBucket1967VW The Christian support isn't really there. Look what the Pope says about Trump. These big mouths get all the headlines....but they are part of the shrinking minority of the #Religulous. Be patient.


The 41% is


No empathy

EdEarl Level 8 Oct 24, 2019

All 3 should be investigated:

  1. Why did Trump mix the national policy with requesting an outside foreign country to investigate his political opponent - Biden?
  2. Why did Hunter Biden fly on Daddy's official airplane to China and elsewhere and met Chinese businessmen and happened to get board appointments? Why did American people not know about it?
  3. Why did Joe Biden fly his son on official trips and not admit that it was not ethical?

Why are all 3 blaming just the other side and saying I am "Holier than Thou"? Why are we - voters bashing just the other side? When will we admit that our own side is not clean? Why don't we send all 3 to jail?

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

Chirp,,, chirp,,chirp..


No shit he's limited in defending himself and can attack only

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 24, 2019
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