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Trump Says Folks With Mild Coronavirus Can Still Go To Work

In a recent interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Donald Trump contradicted his own public health officials as well as experts at the World Health Organization (WHO), by claiming their 3.4% official global coronavirus death rate was just a “false number” and that he has a “hunch” it’s very much lower. He then suggested to Hannity that people with “mild” coronavirus symptoms could still go to work.

So, let me get this straight, we have the President of the United States actually recommending that people ignore the advice of doctors and health professionals regarding a potentially deadly disease and return to work ill - all because he has a “hunch?”

I mean, what the hell? Have we all somehow been transported into the middle of some Stephen King novel? You know what? Quite a few of the rest of us have a hunch too. Our hunch is, that this President and his brown-nosing lackeys - have no idea what the hell they’re talking about.


johnnyrobish 8 Mar 5
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I believe we are on our way to the beginning of a Stephen King novel. It was called The least in the way of the pandemic that wipes out many people worldwide..

I said that above my friend.


For someone his age the infection rate is nearly 9% and death rate 8%

"Age: The younger you are, the less likely you are to be infected and the less likely you are to fall seriously ill if you do get infected:

Age % of population % of infected Fatality
0-9 12.0% 0,9% 0 as of now
10-19 11.6% 1.2% 0.2%
20-29 13.5% 8.1% 0.2%
30-39 15.6% 17.0% 0.2%
40-49 15.6% 19.2% 0.4%
50-59 15.0% 22.4% 1.3%
60-69 10.4% 19.2% 3.6%
70-79 4.7% 8.8% 8.0%
80+ 1.8% 3.2% 14.8%
Read: Out of all people who live in China, 13.5% are between 20 and 29 years old. Out of those who were infected in China, 8.1% were in this age group (this does not mean that 8.1% of people between 20 and 29 become infected). This means that the likelihood of someone at this age to catch the infection is somewhat lower compared to the average. And of those who caught the infection in this age group, 0.2% died.

Your likelihood to die: Some people who are in an age group read the fatality rate and think this is their personal likelihood that they will if they get infected. No, because all the other risk factors also apply. Men in this that age group will more likely die than women, people with preexisting conditions more than healthy people, and people in overcrowded hospitals more than those in hospitals where they get the care they need.

The new virus is genetically 96% identical to a known coronavirus in bats and 86-92% identical to a coronavirus in pangolin. Therefore, the transmission of a mutated virus from animals to humans is the most likely cause of the appearance of the new virus."



Someone cure his hubris by giving him a dose of the virus but perhaps he already knows that the virus is laboratory produced by US military labs to reduce the numbers of elderly through senicide by biological warfare?


Aaannndd, has Anybody but this dickwit defined "mild case"???? Because I have other problems, what might be mild to you could be somewhat otherwise for me. What a fucking IDIOT! Just when I think I could not hate him any more....!!!

Just like the dips who say I never get the flu, who may be carriers killing others, and don't get vaccinated. Yea, go to work and infect others - such pure stupidity.


Jesus Fucking Christ on a Popsicle Stick .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 6, 2020

Absolutely abysmal "leadership", by any standard.


Thus ends any hope of containment



bobwjr Level 10 Mar 5, 2020
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