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Health Insurance May Rise 40% Next Year

For those of you still clinging to the old insurance industry's for-profit model of healthcare and asking "how can we afford pay for Medicare for All," the New York Times just reported that a new analysis is warning that U.S. health insurance premiums will increase as much as 40% next year if the coronavirus pandemic results in millions of Americans needing hospital stays. Perhaps what you should instead be asking "how are we gonna afford to pay for that?

johnnyrobish 8 Mar 30
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Ah the Mnuchin method. Foreclosure - if you own a home.

ArthurK Level 6 Mar 30, 2020

Yes sir!


But let's just go ahead and vote blue no matter who..cause the insurance companies are gonna need to give their CEO's a much needed raise. They've done sooo much for us after all.

Charlene Level 9 Mar 30, 2020

People should not forget that for profit health insurance and hospitals have only been legal since Ronald Ray-gun's tax simplification that paved the way for the corporate takeover of the US.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 30, 2020

F*****g Reagan was the beginning of the end.

Excellent point Glenn!

@OwlInASack And let's not forget his f'ing 'moral majority'. That has led to kids in cages and is about as immoral as one can get!

@freeofgod the moral majority founded in 1979 help get him elected. they were already know as the immoral majority, the name was stolen from Nixon's silent majority which was neither of either.(birds of a feather so to speak)

@glennlab Thanks glenn, It has always pissed me off no end that a political group would call themselves morally superior to anyone.


They are always thieves

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 30, 2020
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