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Americans Prefer Lip Service to Action

Well, America - we're now finally "once again" down to "two corporate candidates." Americans have "once again" been convinced that pooling our resources together so WE ALL can have affordable healthcare is an insane, unaffordable, pie-in-the-sky concept, which apparently, every other industrialized country in world can afford - except ours. In exchange for taking concrete actions, we'll "once again" get nothing but lip service - words, promises and prayers.

Now, we have as our last defense against this monster in the White House, a guy who (in recent interviews), cannot even complete simple thoughts or sentences - and these were in response to softball questions from places like MSNBC, Jimmy Kimmel and Katie Couric. How is he ever supposed to be able to debate a slick, con artist like Donald Trump? But, enough out of me. I think George Carlin sums it up much better than I ever could.

johnnyrobish 8 Apr 9
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Oh how I miss George. He was always a great truth teller!!


I'm hoping that in a face-to-face debate that Biden can bluff and bluster enough to match Trump for the macho voters (male and female). At least he has this tough man-of-the-people front to get him by. At the same time he is a lot more convincing than Trump on the caring-and-sharing shtick, even if that too is mostly for the sentimental believers. Shame the youth vote -- or someone -- didn't get off their asses and vote for Bernie, and in primary after primary. Even Elizabeth Warren, who I think lost out for not beating her chest enough to foot it with the men. She is the most rounded, most knowledgeable candidate of all, and will be a great loss to politics if she gives up trying at national level -- and who could blame her?

Garbonza Level 6 Apr 10, 2020

Sad that only comedians, like Carlin and Lenny Bruce, can tell the truth about America, because the media censors anyone from telling the truth in our news and info.

@dan325 Unfortunately you are right. Half of our voting citizens are rubes..


Biden isn't that rich and not a criminal

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 9, 2020

I agree, and no one is saying you shouldn't vote for him - but are you familiar with his voting record? It makes someone like Mitt Romney look like a progressive.

@johnnyrobish yes I'm from Delaware

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