Fact Finding Mission to Donbass Part 2
What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok here in the U.S. have in common? They are all funded by or staffed by Western and U.S. intelligence members pushing the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine. This is why Struggle-La-Lucha.org organized a fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Russia to report on the suppressed information that challenges the narrative of NATO and its member states, led by the U.S.
The social media outlets are an open door to organizations like NATO, military suppliers, and the Atlantic Council, with executives making decisions about what content is allowed to circulate widely on social media and what content is encouraged to support U.S. foreign policy goals. Some of these same organizations sold us the misinformation about weapons of mass destruction regarding Iraq — like the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, funded by the U.S. government and its defense industry contractors. They partner with Twitter and others to allegedly stop misinformation and provide “alternate” information that counters or eliminates views that don’t agree with the Pentagon’s narrative on Russia, China, or Ukraine.
This has been a primary agenda within this group and my main purpose for starting it. Attempting to filter people out of the illusion these type of NGO's create. Robert Parry the founder of Consortium News has been exposing them for years, and there is a mass amount of work at The Grayzone which especially details how these groups and intelligence agencies work within false narratives to deceive western societies. In virtually article after article at The [thegrayzone.com] the journalist there detail how intelligence agencies in collaboration with the various deceptive NGO groups work and often where they get their money from to operate. Often from our tax dollars and billionaires who benefit to keep us ignorant and divided so they can continue to benefit from the wars they create.
As Feb rolled by I posted the documentary by Oliver Stone {Ukraine on Fire} which had Robert Parry in it explaining how these types of groups, and especially George Soros, funded the training of various Nazi glorifying groups throughout Ukraine in systematic crowd violence. That eventually swept though the peaceful protest there resulting in an western government orchestrated illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government to start the current war under the Obama and Biden administration. They also funded various new media outlets and personalities to create a template towards developing mis/disinformation to help gaslight the violence the eventually took place. A new term for this type of development began around 2004 called Colour Revolution.
Robert Parry has been exposing these actions for decades and explains how they work in that documentary. In which these groups have taken the place of which was once seen as a CIA covert operation and turned them into a civil attack mode of deception. While these groups can concentrate on manifesting public grouping using mis/disinformation, the CIA can concentrate particularly on the scholar aspect and organization of violent groups more aligned with the oligarchs in countries. By the time we begin to see the violence break out is when the 2 aspects have united. This has been playing out since the Reagan era in Latin America in the 80's, more CIA then, and throughout the 90's in the broken blocks of the USSR, as western governments were beginning their expansion towards Russia adding more countries into NATO. The Clinton wars. Over the past decade being played out in Cuba and Venezuela as those tensions arisen in the media were orchestrated by these types of scenarios. Iran goes through them regularly also.
If your primary news content comes from MSCM, virtually any MSM, or participation is social media group influenced in regards to either establishment party, it's highly likely you're a victim of that deceptive political atmosphere leading to ignorance. That's not an attack. There's simply no other means to state this without actually acting like so many I see on social media who seemingly know no other way than to attack with name calling and useless rhetoric who refuse to educate themselves. Those medias have absolutely no intention of educating you to a full extent. Just enough to keep us divided and in line with the side you think supports you. In which you have no idea how much you have in common with the people you disagree with or worse, hate.
Once you learn awake you learn that each political atmosphere is manipulated into supporting what they believe. Once awake you learn to understand that these types of groups are what have created the division in our own country. I can't possibly blame those on the left or right who can't recognize the crimes and unethical practices of the party or politicians they support in which they've all committed the same. I can only attempt to show them the facts in hopes they quit allowing theirs a pass. When enough recognize this we can genuinely revolt. With republican politicians recently renewing their new found support for Trump, the colour revolution here in the US has the potential to reach Maidan like proportions. Watch the incitement towards violence grow again.
{Thanks to the actual “big brother” watch dogs, Russian stereotypes that are as sophisticated as the 1960s cartoon characters Boris and Natasha are showing their ugly heads again. However, this time — in addition to pushing war and anti-communism despite the fall of the Soviet Union — the media is elevating fascism along with apologies for fascist organizations.}
Watch the incitement towards violence grow again. This is where I remind you that a "left" Obama and Biden administration began the funding and support of a fascist Ukrainian government now at war with Russia. That fascist government started a genocide campaign on the people of the Donbass regions. That Trump supporters went to to train under their fascist Azov soldiers and brought it back home with them. In which all the MSCM's and large portion of MSMs have lead our public into accepting by controlling the narrative falsely, leaving out the facts that would have a potential to create widespread opposition to protect that administration. Both sides are doing this!
In fact, in a video interview, novelist Stephen King thought he was talking to Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky, praising Stepan Bandera. Bandera, a Ukrainian fascist and war criminal, was the head of efforts to assist Nazi Germany in their genocide in Ukraine, killing tens of thousands of Polish and Jewish people. King also said during the video meeting that he would even consider screening a fake film passed off as authentic, praising the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and vilifying Russians.
All this to make those who used to {should} know better forget that the people of the Soviet Union and Russia were responsible for defeating one of the greatest threats to humanity — fascism — during World War II, losing 27 million of their people doing so
Profoundly sickening!
As you go into the article he displays the difference between western coverage and his on ground coverage mixed with testimony from citizens. He even mentions Soros and the National Endowment for Democracy. This is a mirrored account you can get from any Donbass citizen testimony in the RTD documentaries.
{It should be noted that the “legal framework” has been radically changing since 2014 to favor fascist organizations and ban and criminalize their greatest opposition — the communist parties.}
It should also be noted that after the surrender of Azov troops in Mariupol that they made a PR changed of name. [wsws.org] This is purely an attempt to diminish the Nazi image that was finally gaining recognition on the world view. A couple of weeks back the Ukraine army shelled a facility housing those who surrendered in Mariupol in efforts to silence those who were giving further information that has been collecting for 8 years now. The local militia's with the help of X Ukrainian military personal and intelligence agents have been collecting evidence of crimes during this entire 8 years from phones and citizens near mass graves left behind.
The Facebook algorithm driving white supremacists
{TIME explains how Azov grew such a wide and influential global presence — in a word, Facebook and other social media. However, it was Facebook’s algorithm driving white supremacists and disaffected youth toward them that allowed Azov exponential visibility growth.
In a simple experiment done while writing this article, I was able to get to an Azov Battalion recruiting video simply by searching the word “Azov,” on Facebook, which led me in about two clicks to the recruitment video on Youtube with the Azov logo, the Sonnenrad. You can find my search here: Recruitment Video . Why have social media outlets in the U.S., that were quick to act when it was revealed that ISIS was successfully recruiting members through Facebook and Youtube and other social media, refused to act on white supremacist terrorism and recruitment?
Perhaps a former leader of the Atlantic Council, the NATO entity which regulates Facebook, can answer that.}
I also did a quick search and got hits on Azov. Not at all surprising though. While RT has been vanished nearly from existence our social medias seemingly have no issues at all with giving white fascist extremism a pass. An ideology which encourages genocide to all other races and slavery for those useful to them. But wanting to find the other side of the story and more facts, eh eh. If anyone has taken time to view any of the documentaries at RTD.com in regards to the Ukraine conflict in Donbass, which have various segments mixed within each from the years around 2013 to present day, there's small captions found at the top of the viewing indicating where the source of video was taken from or at. Some of the earlier documentaries I was posting were Azov and Ukrainian army videos the makers/producers got off of Youtube. Some amateur and local militia videos. So anyone attempting to deny the validation off as Russian propaganda is simply absurd. For instance, the 2014 scene when Ukraine went into Odessa, the first attack in Donbass, where they open fire on citizens and the police station was recorded by a citizen. As was the first air strike on the city buildings. Clearly attacking the citizens when there were no army or even militia forces formally constructed yet.
He goes into more of what happened in Odessa. Sorry. I get ahead of the article sometimes
{This was repeated in Mariupol on May 9, 2014, with killings in that Russian-speaking area. I was there in Mariupol as a journalist also. It’s been eight years, and nobody cared, and they continue to kill us using weapons originating in the USA and European Union. And any honest journalists reporting on this are being hidden there in Ukraine.”}
For 8 years these people had been living a hell. No one cared of heard about it until Putin said enough! Despite multiple attempts from various journalist and the citizens. For 8 years Ukraine has been trenching in and building up troops preparing for something while committing this genocide campaign. But Putin is the bad guy!?! Fucking please!
{He then introduced me to Vasilly, who had been trapped inside the House of Trade Unions. He took many photos of the situation then — from the beginning of the incident until about 8:30 p.m. when people began to jump out of the windows of the burning building. “By 7 p.m. it started, before that, there was a fight outside … I have many photos and showed these to many journalists from the West but they did nothing with them,” he said.}
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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