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Bonefaced Blowback----The neo-Nazi 'American Banderite Network'


{Overall, banderite in our name doesn’t actually mean we are Ukrainian nationalists, we just wanna appeal to the far right and national socialist crowd who support Ukraine and not the brainwashed zombie liberals who obey the media. When we look at Bandera we don’t see all the faults he made, we see an anti communist freedom fighter. One of the greatest in all of Eastern Europe, and we don’t need to love everything about him…}

In other words. We're out to manipulate people in which we can use to support our cause, agenda. Once they get into certain positions, as they managed to do in Ukraine via the illegal overthrow of the government in 2014, with the help of the US, they turn it into their idea of a "national socialist" statehood. Which virtually contradicts the use of the term "anti communist freedom fighter."

For all intensive purposes, communism is attacked by opposing elements, the very nature of the stated national socialist as a derivative of communism that is always demonized on multiple levels. In essence, they are one in the same. They do this while also attempting to deny what they are.

Unwilling to simply settle for building their own communities, they have an agenda to take over the world and force their ideology on everyone, and make any remaining parts an enemy to plunder from. It's essentially another profoundly sick system of hegemony that we already live under. They just don't hide their intent. What gives them the power to grow, again, as in the 20th century, are those who suppress their agenda from us while supporting and funding them. And they have a wide support system within western governments. They are embedded in our governments and judicial systems on many levels now.

In the past, I often made the statement that colonialism is the mother of fascism. If this continues to go much further, the child is seemingly about to kill its mother. We currently have only one country facing off against this child in one region. If capitalism continues to collapse, these 2 elements will become worldwide allies again. Unlike what we seen in WWll. They already are allies in the Ukraine war. If they manage to pull China into this also as they're provoking her, what are we left with at the end? Do you genuinely understand the nature of Ukraine today? What it has become since fascism took it over? It could very well be the future of our children or grandchildren. It isn't going to go away so easily or quietly this time! There will be larger repercussions with major events taking place.

William_Mary 8 Aug 27
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