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How Israel Leverages Genocide With Hamas ‘Massacres’

Gareth Porter reviews the Netanyahu government’s process of planting stories of nonexistent atrocities by Hamas on Oct. 7 with credulous foreign-news outlets and the Biden administration.

In the days after Hamas entered Israeli kibbutzim near Gaza on Oct. 7, foreign press accounts of what happened have broadly reflected the Israeli interpretation of events of the deliberate slaughter and dismemberment of innocent civilians by Hamas fighters.

Those stories were blood-curdling in the extreme: Babies beheaded. People dismembered and deliberately burned to death. And the total of innocent civilians murdered in cold blood were said to be as high as 1,400.

The Israelis quickly recycled parallels between Hamas and the Islamic State, with its glorification of killing innocents.

But a reconstruction of how that story line emerged as the dominant theme in early press coverage shows that it was deliberately created by a decision by top Israeli officials, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It was done by inventing stories about nonexistent atrocities and planting them with credulous U.S. news outlets.


Why does it still work? People instantly came out in droves in disgust of the initial story line. Despite all the history telling us that the initial story line is always a lie. Especially since the late 20th century beginning with Middle East wars under Bush Sr. The baby story of Kuwait making a good starting point. Where Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ falsely testified to support a manufactured story from a long list of conglomerates with an agenda. []

There have been an endless amount of these types of accounts ever since in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine. All having the same repetitive cycle of news agencies being newly developed and working with some wealthy billionaires and their foundations, public and foreign relation firms, people of power in the region or political arena. They have even used photos of atrocities the western governments manufactured or of the same nature from other places to falsely use in their new deceptive campaign that didn't have anything to do with the current situation. Some of the people they've used are mysteriously able to be in multiple situations of different places on the planet virtually at the same time. Our medias are reporting on issues they have absolutely no clue of what they are echoing for a system of death and destruction. Yet many fall for it and later don't hold our representation accountable when the truth is finally known. They're actually rewarded with a vote of confidence to keep doing it in the next election. I can't tell or recognize which group is the most profoundly, disturbingly, sick anymore.

William_Mary 8 Jan 6
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Sure a lack of photos on October 7th and the last 74 years of Palestinians occupation, apartheid, ethics cleaznng and genocide from the American and Israel press.

It seem the world was so pro Israel for a week after the October 7th. Then everything flipped to pro Palestinians. The Palestinians lack AI technology to change the facts and truth. , The mass amount of horrible humanitarian photos went viral world wide and 70 journalists sacrifice their lives for. Photos of horrors we haven't seen since world War 2.

I don't put emphasis on Pro Palestinian speak. The same as I feel it should be avoided in regards to Pro Israel speak. The terms are apparently open to being weaponized to fit agendas that void history and the separate factions involved in the manufactured twisted reality. There's a major difference between Israeli people, Jewish people, and the Zionist who have perverted the relationship of them over the past century. The same as the multiple entities that have managed to proclaim a governance for the Palestinians and the multiple militant groups who have claimed to defend them over history. In which the latter at various points in history have betrayed the Palestinian people on multiple occasions via various natures only towards extending their continued conditions of plight. Plight serving as both horrid conditions and a marriage within such conditions.

When the two state agreement was agreed on and then never implemented, it was a betrayal of each of these "governing bodies" along with the western governments and their international organizations on the Palestinian people. In which that deception has been used, still used occasionally, to do two things. One is decades of false hope of a solution that they all knew would never come. And to falsely use the Palestinian people of neglecting to conform to when they had essentially no say in the process. Not within the fake governance over them, the Iraeli government, or fake help of the western world and their governments.

As a whole, this scenario essentially set the tone for a decades long mirroring of the same atmosphere we later seen in the Middle East wars, in which it can be highly argued it was used as the construct script of building terrorist groups by destroying societies and forcing men and children into such groups. The open air prison has essentially been used for suburban policing training worldwide and how to conform terrorist groups within a genocide campaign that have been waged worldwide. Then those groups are used to keep perpetual warring going, both as enemies and or foes as needed. All the conditions having been recognized and implemented on the Palestinian people over the past century can be found worldwide against any country who dares to oppose the western governments capitalist hegemony. They were the model of what would be used around the globe.


Fair accessment.

Now that the BRICS is half of the world population and dominant of almost every kind of energy. Over all,after the apocalypse, things I feel will be better.

@Castlepaloma I only fear that BRICS could lead to a world war. So I agree with both your statements. It could set an example of how foreign affairs between countries can be significantly better. It would however take overlooking some injustices in particular countries in regards to certain rights issues, racial and religious indifferences which are already occurring. Off the top of my head, Russia and India as examples. Russia with the LGBT community, India on the racial and religious aspects. Presently, Russia's relationship with Israel since this genocide campaign has gone on steroids. But if a better diplomatic system is conformed within all this, those issues have a better chance of solving those issues. Eventually religion will become highly diminished as a social leading construct when the exposure of other universal life can no longer be denied. It's control over so many societies will reverse many views, especially those of the LGBT community. Further showing how much more we all have in common rather than it playing a part in dividing us.

I just noticed I made a mistake above in my statement {Then those groups are used to keep perpetual warring going, both as enemies and or foes as needed.} I meant to say used as enemies and collaborators at times. Western governments have been essential towards building terrorist groups to later make enemies out of them later after they severed their purpose. Then later recycle their services again, often in other regions. While they may be enemies currently in the middle east in some regions, they're working with them in others. Same as in Africa.

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