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What are your thoughts on this?

Napoleon’s philosophy: “Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues.”

Especially today...

Cutiebeauty 9 July 28
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I’ve read that J. Edgar Hoover’s info on the powerful secured his position as the FBI’s chief.

yvilletom Level 8 July 28, 2020

Me too.. Maybe trump is doing that also..

@Cutiebeauty I think it's more that the Russians have info on the entire Republican party and the Republicans know it. Remember that the Russians infiltrated both Republican and Democratic party emails in 2016 and we only heard about Democratic leaks. Is it more credible that they found nothing in Republican emails or that they are using that information differently? Like instead of leaking, letting powerful Republicans know that they have something and wanting 'favors' to keep it quiet.

Trump isn't bright enough to pull it off. If anything he's just one of the ones being controlled by the Russians. And I can't believe that if it were a competent American doing it, they wouldn't also be letting him screw up the country so badly. No economic advantage to it.


I think that Napoleon was a narcissist who projected his own characteristics and motivations onto others to justify his actions as a "norm".

redbai Level 8 July 28, 2020

The king wears no clothes


Well the French are definitely


men just have the illusion of control that's for sure and yes mostly I agree. I'm a very real, deep person that likes to think for myself but a beautiful woman can still turn me into a bumbling shallow fool.

I’ve found that with age and a reduced income I get less attention from beautiful women.

@yvilletom, of course, they don't want you anymore like me

@yvilletom with a moneybox you get as many teapots as you want


That's one to toss around in the 'ol brain bag for a while not knowing the full context it came from. ( I'll look it up later, but just woke up...fuzzy head 😄

wolf041 Level 7 July 28, 2020
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