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As an introvert, what do you do for a living and are you happy/fulfilled doing it?

Bliss32 3 July 18
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I used to be an electronic technician. I worked both in in test and as a diagnostic engineer. Very little interaction with the public. How ever, a few customers would only talk to me because they didn't trust my extrovert bosses. In two of my jobs, my bosses were liars and in another, he wasn't dependable even though it was against company rules. There's a lot to be said for being average and honest. On the whole I loved my jobs, even when they became very challenging.


Software Engineer in aerospace. I love it.

towkneed Level 7 July 20, 2018

I am a Cyber Security Manager. I work from home most of the time and can’t think of anything I would rather do.


Field Technician Spectrum. I am by myself everyday except Wed meetings. I only see 2-5 customers a day. I can be social but not often.


I was a sales rep, selling business to business which put me in clients offices and meeting continually. I had no problem with the selling part. But I sure hated attending clients' booze and schmooze events as well as my own company's.


I'm an editor. After college I took a position as a production editor of textbooks, and then I worked as a developmental editor for a sport science publisher. As part of my job, I'd hire out the copyediting, proofreading, and indexing to freelancers, sending manuscripts to these people living all over the US - rural, in cities, anywhere with an internet connection. I decided to work from home too, so for the past 15 years, I've been a freelance copyeditor and researcher specializing in nonfiction books for university presses and articles for academic journals.

I've really enjoyed being an editor, and the freedom of working from home has been wonderful. It takes more effort to make friends when you don't have that built-in network of coworkers though. I was able to move to several different states over the years, and even edited on my computer in the backseat of the car during vacation road trips! Every manuscript's different, and I learned something new on each project I've worked on.

Publishing's undergoing quite a change, what with the numbers of self-published authors exploding and the immediacy of digital content vs. print, and I'm trying to figure out what's ahead for me now.

AnnieMist Level 4 July 19, 2018

I'm a train dispatcher... Sort of akin to air traffic control.

I love the fact that I am on a radio or phone with most people I deal with. I instant message with managers and other people in the field, and even with my manager 9 feet away!!! (Either I am on the radio giving some verbatim instructions that can't be interrupted, or my manager is one one of their constant conference calls). I am also busy as crap most days, so I get to be rather curt with people like train crews and/or maintenance folks trying to fix stuff. Guys always want to chat and waste time, since they are paid by the hour... Not me, there is always someone else to talk to and try to get to work.

I'm just DJL (my initials) to most of the guys I work with daily. Some of them know my name is Dan.

THE JOB IS FINE... but my company HATES employees. It is not a happy place. I am 27 years deep into my 30 year RR retirement. In a little under 6 years I'll be 60 and plan on leaving. The company is having a hard time keeping young people in the job. Its the kind of job that not everyone is cut out for, and new people get there and see people like me, with many years in, sometimes still working 2nd or 3rd shift, working holidays etc, and saying 'screw it!'...

Train crew life is bad too. Major railroads have recently been offering 25k signing bonuses to newbies coming to be conductors in some areas!!!

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyAre you ready for it?

Posted by AppleriverMy exact feelings…

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