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What the holy hell got in me to agree to a dinner meetup with an online friend?!
I've been so preoccupied that I failed to come to my senses in time - I leave in an hour.
Not a romantic meet, friends for some time through messaging.
Seized with the urge to puncture my own tire 😂

AmiSue 8 July 16
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Lol. You might enjoy the company

Unity Level 8 July 17, 2019

I am with your 2nd thoughts.....he may be a coy suitor finally achieving 3 dimensional closeness to you.....dinner is a public place and he is buying ??...just be careful be you and let him do most the talking....only reply to real friendship topics you have already enjoyed together the smiles body language and eye contact.....enjoy good food and drive home sober

@AmiSue friendship like marriage requires intimacy of the mind and given how patriarchal theocracy has brainwashed women to submit both body and soul to he who would own you....your instincts of integrity can feel blurred in either relationship're safe you're home and you have a new friend platonic and Dutch treat


At least someone else will do the cleanup and wash the dishes.

EricJones Level 8 July 16, 2019

Relax...a lot of us are fine with just meeting new friends... 😉

@AmiSue ...glad 🙂)


You may actually enjoy yourself. It's only a little time you're giving up. Not a kidney 😉

freeofgod Level 8 July 16, 2019

Relax, consider it good practice.

MojoDave Level 9 July 16, 2019

I bet you enjoy it

@AmiSue Awesome!


Been there, done that. You never know. Might turn out to be a nice evening.
(now removing my Polyanna costume)


Tough call - actually meet someone or change a tire🤔

Haemish1 Level 8 July 16, 2019
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