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I was told by my family that I was stupid. I was told by the kids at school that I was too short, fat, and wore rag clothes. I was told by my husband that my idea for a business could never happen, because I was female. I was brutalized and left for dead by the next mate. [He did do some jail time for it. The police did make his stay in jail a living hell for him] I finally got an education to be a social worker, but didn't know how to play nicely with others by then. That is, I wasn't good at conforming so late in my life. I stay in my home where my walls can keep danger out. I jump every single time my cuckoo clock starts and make sure the closet doors are latched closed and the shower curtain is open all the way. I'm a bit lonely, but safe.

Plant1010J 6 May 19
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You are incredibly strong. I would not have survived all of that. I can relate to your caution about keeping your home very secure. Being a survivor of stalking, I can relate to that. I bought a condo on seventh floor. My building has cameras over every door and a 24/7 desk attendant at the main door. You could not pay me to live in a house. I agree with the person who said get rid of the cuckoo clock. You are made of tough stuff.

SKH78 Level 8 May 20, 2018

That’s a horrible situation. One easy thing you could do is get rid of that damn cukoo clock.

Hermit Level 7 May 19, 2018

ha ha ha...I love you. that was good .


Take back your life. It won’t be easy. There are good people out there that can help. Don’t give up

jab60 Level 6 May 19, 2018

As I read your post I thought we are the ones that end up in prison for life. There are no words that can ease your pain or erase the horror from your mind but I do hope you will continue to speak up and maybe begin to feel safe to interact more. I hope you heal and find the love and kindness you deserve.


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it the one you want.

My upbringing was horrific, my father was a monster. But that was him, not me. Nor is your past you.

Mitch07102 Level 8 May 19, 2018

Wow. I am sorry you are so fearful. Perhaps a dog would make you feel safer. Even a small dog makes for a great alarm. Ever vigilant they are. Hypervigilance is a survival skill. Might I suggest counseling & medication to alleviate some of your fears. After all it is just brain chemistry. It helped me. I too did not play nicely having been imprinted by boys my 1st 7 years. I hope you find some peace. Best wished to you.

Mooolah Level 8 May 19, 2018
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