3 8

Not everyone is aware of how easy it is to propagate baby plants of African Violets ... this pic shows the original adult leaves which I cut cleanly, then inserted into potting soil and kept moist for many weeks. Then the tiniest little leaf showed up, followed by more and all kept growing. Now there are 3 darling baby plants, each still with its mama leaf which by now is redundant. Nifty, isn't it?

One can also start by keeping a starter leaf just in water then plant with the cluster of babies but I prefer this way

dede18 8 May 28
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I started a small collection of African Violets and related varieties last year. I haven't tried propagating yet, but I plan to when I can free up some space. My mom and grandma grew African Violets and mine remind me of them.

RussRAB Level 8 May 28, 2020

One of the first plants I ever learned to propagate. Much faster than from seed and they are genetically identical to the mother plants so you can have bunches of identical plants.

glennlab Level 10 May 28, 2020

I love African Violets and have propagated a few. That was before young cats lived in my house.

@dede18 If I didn't work full time and was home to protect them... but no, the kitties have been death to houseplants. My previous cat was blind and she didn't bother much of anything.

@HippieChick58 use a squirt gun, cats learn to respect that real soon....LOL

@HerbertNewsam Yes, I have a squirt gun, and they do run like hell when they see it. It is that 40+ hours a week that I am at work, and those 56 hours per week I'm trying to sleep that they do their mischief. When I am home the spray bottle is usually nearby. In fact the bottle in the bedroom is plastic, and all I have to do it tap on it and the guilty party will fly out of what ever mischief she is up to. Both cats are less than 4 years old, so full of piss and vinegar.

@HippieChick58 this little one less than a year yet and lizzy is 8...and punkin is a little i just snapped this.

@HippieChick58 - Our cat is at least 16 and possibly as old as 18. I don't recall just when she came to live with us, but our youngest son who is now 34 was in high school and either a Sophomore or Junior. She has always been a docile cat who has preferred curling up on a pillow or blanket than climbing on everything. She has spoiled us for more curious cats who climb and scratch on everything.

@HippieChick58 You might have more luck putting aluminum foil under your houseplants - most cats hate the sensation under their paws. It can also keep them off counters you don't want them on.

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