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A couple surprise blooms around the yard and a few others. The first flower is a perennial hibiscus. I bought two but didn't expect them to survive to the next year. They sometimes don't survive the winter here and I left them in the container they came in. These blossums are huge and was a surprise to see it blooming this year. The second flower is a Texas native called a rock rose. Less of a surprise that the hibiscus. What is a surprise is where they are showing up having spread by seeds. The third is similar to the rock rose but I don't recall its name. The leaves are different even thought the flowers are very similar other than the color. This one also are volunteers having grown from seed. Much more widespread than expected. The next two aren't surprises so much. These are obviously daylilies. My wife convinced my to buy a number of daylies. The red and yellow one is one of her selections and the orange one was one from some time ago. This orange one is larger than most daylilies I'm familiar with. The last flower is a bougainvillea. My dad planned to put in a lath covering over his back patio and planned to have a bougainvillea growing over the lath. He died before he started the lath covering, but he had purchased the bougainvillea to cover it. He liked this color of flower so this one is in memory of him.

RussRAB 8 June 10
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Nice collection of flowers.

My immediate reaction to the first rock rose I ever saw was one of indifference. But then my neighbor across the street from me planted an orchid rock rose which was amazing and that inspired me to get one of my own. May not get flowers this year but I look forward to next. This is the one I planted. We shall see. But this is the kind my neighbor had grown which was just as heavily covered in flowers. (Not my photo.)

MarkWD Level 7 June 10, 2020

Those are gorgeous flowers. They look like poppies.

@RussRAB The one I picked up is called "Victor Reiter". It's a similar color but without the distinctive markings. Oh well, we shall see.

@MarkWD - That is a beautiful selection. I am very interested in these orchid rock rose. Apparently, they are in a different family of plant than the Texas rock rose I have. I found a couple that appear to have a flower very similar to the white one in my original post but several characteristics are different.


They are all gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!😉



freeofgod Level 8 June 10, 2020

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