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I was pretty bummed out Sunday. After (as it turns out) breaking my toe Friday and wrenching my knee Saturday, my reward was to be a three hour trip up the coast to visit the Mendocino Coast Bot Garden, one of my favorite places. But after running around like crazy on that knee on Saturday wouldn't you know it was almost unusable on Sunday. So I was extremely hobbled, needed to stop at every bench and in loads of pain. As a result I only got the first three photos. Fortunately I have many from the past to choose from and have added a couple of those.

Mendocino Coast B.G. is located just South of Fort Bragg on the Coast Hiway. They only reopened and were very good about keeping people spaced apart and masked. It isn't the largest bot garden around but it is a very nicely laid out one, proceeding from beautifully maintained beds on a lawn, to Heather garden, Succulent garden, Woodland garden and finishing up with well maintained native plants leading to a high meadow with many benches overlooking the Pacific.

MarkWD 7 July 14
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Amazing. Was it worth the pain?

freeofgod Level 8 July 15, 2020

Nope, it wasn't. I can be unreasonably persistent sometimes about claiming my 'rewards'. Three hour drive both ways.


Beautiful garden. I have have broken my toe so I know what a bummer that can be.

MyTVC15 Level 7 July 15, 2020

I think breaking one's smallest 'pinky' toe is hard to do. Mine was a freak accident. I will have to learn to be more careful in the middle of the night.


What a beautiful day to go! Love that place and was a member for years.

Hathacat Level 9 July 15, 2020

I am jealous. A colleague where I taught moved up there before she retired to continue her teaching.

@MarkWD Mostly volunteer gardeners. Some of the prettiest gardens I have ever seen live there.

@Hathacat Did you ever see a private garden called Harmony Woods when you were up that way? I went there with a tour a few years back and loved it.

@MarkWD I don’t recall the name. Sounds lovely.


Hope you soon get better, still plenty of summer left. I love the angels fishing rod hanging by the seat, clever planting that.

Fernapple Level 9 July 15, 2020

I like that too. I'm also a big fan of Pineapple lily and they have a big planting of a Eucomis cultivar which is to die for.


Beautiful except for toe & knee.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 15, 2020

Gorgeous countryside. I especially like the last picture. Are all these forms of lavender?
I know tRump can be maddening but you shouldn't go around kicking rocks out of frustration. Take it easy and mend.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 14, 2020

No those are heaths. I love this part of the garden.

@MarkWD Duh. the purple fooled me. I love Heather.


Had you asked , they may have had wheel chairs available for either rent or loan . No sense aggravating injuries , if there are better alternatives available .

Cast1es Level 9 July 14, 2020

Oh I'll bet they did! Didn't think of that.


So very sorry to hear of your injuries. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! Hope your healing is quick and you get back to your old self.😉


Ouch, sorry about your injuries, and wishing you speedy healing!
Looks like a lovely place, and now on my list for a coastal drive. Thanks for sharing 👍.


So sorry to hear about your lower half...bummer!

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 14, 2020

That bench looks so inviting! It all looks very lovely and inviting. Hope your knees and toe are doing better.

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