7 10

This showed up today from Amazon. Linda and Andrea (neighbor's) wife ordered after Andrea watched Kurt (neighbor) & I let a tree trunk get away from us while I was freehanding cutting planks from it.... "Some assembly required".we'll try it out this week!!!

bigpawbullets 9 Oct 4
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These were originally called the Alaskan saw mill and are popular here. They will burn through chains very fast so be prepared to sharpen often and they will burn out a wimpy engine so bigger is better.

FrostyJim Level 8 Oct 11, 2020

A little bit of a 'trick" I learned for those of us who grow Coleus plants/bushes.
At the end of Summer-early Autumn, trim the plant/s back to approx. half their size and diameter, leaving just a few small shoots and a few leaves, then cover the plant/s with either a clear plastic shroud open at the top OR , if they're in pots put a large clear plastic, at least 2 litres in capacity, with the base cut off over them, embed the shroud or bottle into the surrounding soil and water sparingly over the colder months.
Watch them as they re-generate and when Spring is in full swing again remove the covers.
Instead of them just dying off, you will have fresher, more bushier Coleus plants again.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 7, 2020

I'd love to have one of those, we get a tree out here we call either 'Black Oak' or 'Blood-wood Oak', the timber from it is the colour of blood when it cut from from still growing tree and when from an already dead tree it is very much like the colour of dried blood.
I reckon furniture, shelving, etc, made from that timber and either just oiled or clear varnished would like really great.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 7, 2020

My ex has a huge one of these for slabbing redwood

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 4, 2020

Fine if you want to produce rough lumber or dice and slice cadavers to envelope fore posting.
What do you intend using it for and why couldn't you borrow your neighbours?

Well, nobody in my tribe has one. I like to salvage the wood from trees downed by wind or simply cut down by the neighbors and myself when we are cleaning up our yards.

@bigpawbullets I misread your post.

Have another drink.... 😆🍷

@bigpawbullets too early in the morning for me! The Dental appointment resulted in a neat filling, a smoothing of a chipped incisor, thedentistremoving her mask to prove that she looks 50 not 40 & a promise to try and expedite new plates or at least fill the hole resulting from the extraction 2 weeks ago. 😄
And an added bonus my favourite charity shop has reopened but requires signing in. Only angst that I mmhave is that you are not required to put the time of your visit. Therefore if you visit at 9am. & sign in but then someone infected visits at 5pm. then everyone on the sheet is required to test and be quarantined until proven not infected. One Prime Minister once called this "the Clever Country" - I think that he used an "o" , an "r" & a "y" too many!


Whoa, that looks like some serious equipment!


That looks way cool, and I'd stay as far away from it as possible. You go have fun.

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