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Something to do now, at least in moderate climates, and the Northern hemisphere, but which brings you a promise of summer.


Fernapple 9 Feb 2
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Aw, Monty just retired, did he not? End of an era.
Meanwhile, in the U.S. Gulf South, we are in our coldest part of the year, but still, I cut these from my yard this past Sunday, because I had to finish pruning the roses for the year. So they are my official last cut roses of "2020."
Damn, you have to view it on your head. ...but that is a five inch Belinda's Dream, ...and sidekick.


This year I am planting Thornless Blackberry bushes (small ones!!) In 2 tractor tires filled with dirt, ringed with strawberries until they get much bigger. Deciding on what color(s) to paint the tractor tires...have a cellar full of assorted partial cans of paint, so maybe something "custom", or striped, lol! Got about 2 months to go......

Ooh, nice! I am trying my hand and blackberries, too. Two varities, both thornless. One is supposed to stay bushy and upright. So that one I am planting relatively close to other plantings. The other is a semi-erect sprawling monster, so I have marked out a space separated from most of my front yard by my driveway.
I already have a lot of native wild dewberries in my meadow-like back yard, and raspberries and boysenberries I started last year appear to be establishing well, so I suspect the blackberries will do fine. These are supposed to be quite disease resistant. I bet you'll want to expand your plot before long.

@MikeInBatonRouge i was Amazed to find out how huge some varieties get! it is just me,with only the freezer than comes with the fridge here. I think 2 plants that somewhat produce twice will be plenty! One reason i gave up even a small garden,now i enjoy shopping the various Farmer's Markets we have around here...2 tomatoes,not 20, lol!

@AnneWimsey that is great. I would love to see more organized systems to encourage gardeners to donate excess produce to food kitchens for homeless and other food insecure populations. Apparently thr US wastes approximately 40% of all produce. (At least, if I am remembering correctly. It could be more)


My not so gteen thumb gets itchy about now , when the stores are putting out seeds and bulbs . Unfortunately , the ambitious green thumb now , sort of fades as the weather gets warmer , and things don't always make it into the garden .

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 2, 2021

Yes, reading about planting bulbs does bring the promise of summer, but the ground's frozen solid under a foot of fresh snow this morning here in Western Massachusetts. For further summer daydreams, I have to resort to tracking the shipment of seeds that I ordered.

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