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Freeze Alert! I know I checked the weather earlier since temperatures are getting down there, and the overnight low was in the 40's. I went to clear my e-mail and I have a weather alert. We have a freeze warning tonight. Temperatures are to get to 32 degrees. So, I'm out at 9 o'clock spreading deep mulch around my late planted trees, around my figs and silverberries, and a couple ornamental sages I bought and planted a week ago. I also brought in my cactus and succulents. I think I got everything that needed attention. We will see.

RussRAB 8 Nov 18
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If you can bend your fig tree and cover it with hay and a tarp, it will survive. My grandfather did that in Michigan, where it stays below freezing for months every year.

KateOahu Level 8 Nov 19, 2021

You can bet my heat is on this morning. It is Friday now and 25 degrees at 6 AM.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 19, 2021

Mine ran late last night.

@RussRAB If I leave mine on it will run when it does not need to run. This morning it is 50 degrees outside and will be that for most of the day. I can turn my heat off and know that I am comfortable inside. When it drops to 40 degrees outside my heat goes back on. This is a little trick I have learned.

Over the years the electric company has changed my meter 3 times. The last time this happened I asked why all the changes? The answer came that my bills are not the same as my neighbors. Of course not. I am not my neighbors. Screw the electric company.


Good luck, and well done with the covering. But it has to be said that, if you are planting things which may be tender, then it is best perhaps to plant them in spring, so that they are well established before their first winter.

Fernapple Level 9 Nov 19, 2021

That is true, but my fruit trees were purchased late for various reasons and the sage is a Texas native and I was hoping they would be ok. Mostly, I want to give them every advantage I can so a freeze won't kill them off. If it isn't enough, well, I tried.


It will be that cold in mid Missouri tonight also. I play a little "heat game" with my furnace and turn it off if we have long periods of 50 degrees or so. Heat would run inside anyway but the inside is surely 20 degrees warmer. All this and I run inside temps of 68 to 70 degrees in the winter. I check it all with thermometers (one in every room) and I just paid a $62 electric bill the 15th. Not bad for all electric. Once it starts getting down colder like it is now this little game cannot be played. Before long the heat will have to be on 24/7 to be comfortable.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 18, 2021

Good luck! I hope it's not a hard freeze, and that everything stays safe.

Lauren Level 8 Nov 18, 2021

Devoted gardener . Best of luck !

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 18, 2021
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