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@ JackPedigo I make an exception for clover & not removing it as it is a favorite of pollinators. It seems scientists have found micro plastics, smaller than our blood cells moving thru our cardiac system. Ominous.

Mooolah Level 8 June 25, 2022

One thing that I never hear about are the weed whackers with plastic cords. The plastic wears down and ends up in the soil. An odd phenomena here is that often the grass is replaced by a type of clover. It's happening in my yard.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 25, 2022

The "red tides" aka super algae blooms in Florida's oceans, estuaries, and waterways are caused and/or worsened by fertilizer. Growing food crops takes less fertilizer than a lawn. I have green weeds, from a distance it looks like grass. I refuse to let the HOA put anything on it as I am less than a mile (about 1 km) from an estuary that is unique in the world as it is where temperate and subtropical meet, fertilizer affects the sea grasses that manatees and other species depend on.

MizJ Level 8 June 23, 2022

Props MizJ. Here in Wisconsin, the crickets are gone. The June bugs are gone. The frogs are gone. Less migrating birds. 2 years no blue birds. Less pollinators. The blue heron outside my window is hunting chipmunks. Adapting perhaps. It is crashing if one looks for it. Depressing. But it has happened before just not facilitated by us.

@Mooolah 😢😢😢


When I had my farm the solution for mowing was to let my 3 acre front lawn grow into a meadow. It only took one summer for the whole thing to turn into a great variety of flowers. In the autumn I would mow it and rake it. That would spread the seeds for next summer. The collected refuse would go onto the compost pile (behind pole in photo).

OldGoat43 Level 9 June 23, 2022

Did you sell the farm? The corn/ soybean rotation here is converting to landscape nurseries & sunflower seed farms. Much less arial spraying & ammonium nitrate applications.

@Mooolah . Nope. The county kept raising their taxes until I couldn't afford to keep the farm. They wanted agricultural owners out and then have the replacement residential developers' tracts to bring in more revenue.
They get a hell of a lot more tax money from 60 homes than one ag small farm.


Well done.

Fernapple Level 9 June 23, 2022
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